VIDEO: The First Grand Theft Auto V Trailer

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Apr 13, 2009
Looks like a mix of vice city and SA.. please for the love of god give me jets and a REAL FUCKING TANK. Not an armored vehicle with five wheels on each side, but a real FUCK TANK WITH TREADS.


Apr 13, 2009
Also for all those complaining about console ports/games, look i hate ported games too, but you need to understand that without consoles the gaming industry would be barely alive if not already dead. There are more people playing games on consoles vs pc's. Thus is companies seek to make money to make more games in the future, take a guess as to which market they are going to focus more on? HINT: its not the pc market.
I just hope that this one doesn't complain every time you pick up a hooker. Nor talk smack about drugs and refuse to take them. Did they actually think these subtleties in GTA IV would make groups against the other GTA games actually change their minds?

I prefer the system where they glorify vice. Hookers were the only way to get 125 health, drugs slowed things down and made you super strong and fast.


Dec 10, 2010
[citation][nom]flclkun[/nom]Also for all those complaining about console ports/games, look i hate ported games too, but you need to understand that without consoles the gaming industry would be barely alive if not already dead. There are more people playing games on consoles vs pc's. Thus is companies seek to make money to make more games in the future, take a guess as to which market they are going to focus more on? HINT: its not the pc market.[/citation]

I've been a PC gamer for years but I also own a XBOX 360. The thing is if consoles didn't exist the gaming industry would not be dead ... PC gaming would be booming. And we would probably be seeing some games that look twice as good too! Utilizing all the power of modern PC's.

Maybe then the kids who only use computers get on Facebook and Twitter would actually learn something about computers and gain some valuable skills.


Dec 18, 2006
It looks like a mix of pre-render and lower poly scenes. Games will never evolve past the lowest common denominator, that being all those ancient slow ass consoles.


Aug 5, 2009
anyone else here think the graphics in this game look to good for a 360 or ps3?
look at the texture detail around words
look at all the little areas where they could have skimped on the pollies to push higher frame rates.

i remember their being a rumor that this would come to the wiiu, and it would be a launch for it.
now i know that the pc is a likely place for them to get the graphic details up, but do you really think rockstar would lead with the pc? im not saying it has to be, because rockstar could have made a magical engine, but i'm saying i think this is a wiiu game.


Apr 13, 2009
[citation][nom]beardguy[/nom]I've been a PC gamer for years but I also own a XBOX 360. The thing is if consoles didn't exist the gaming industry would not be dead ... PC gaming would be booming. And we would probably be seeing some games that look twice as good too! Utilizing all the power of modern PC's. Maybe then the kids who only use computers get on Facebook and Twitter would actually learn something about computers and gain some valuable skills.[/citation]

im sorry but you're wrong and the sales and facts state so. Look at the increase of gaming sales after house hold consoles became available. Consoles turned gaming from a niche activity to a mufti-billion dollar industry. So few gaming companies actually develop solely for pcs. because the money that is made a mere fraction of what is made through consoles. If iam wrong then why have the majority of all companies push for console games as opposed to pc games?

Hell even console priority took over BF3.

I'm both a console and pc gamer ( i spend more time on my pc than my consoles), but i'll tell you this. When i think back to all the fun i had with certain games. Almost all the ones that come to mind were all console games.

It's just how it is and we as gamer have to accept it. Consoles HAVE to be the priority. Ease of use and lower cost for the end user state so.


Aug 23, 2011
[citation][nom]flclkun[/nom]im sorry but you're wrong and the sales and facts state so. Look at the increase of gaming sales after house hold consoles became available. Consoles turned gaming from a niche activity to a mufti-billion dollar industry. So few gaming companies actually develop solely for pcs. because the money that is made a mere fraction of what is made through consoles. If iam wrong then why have the majority of all companies push for console games as opposed to pc games?Hell even console priority took over BF3.I'm both a console and pc gamer ( i spend more time on my pc than my consoles), but i'll tell you this. When i think back to all the fun i had with certain games. Almost all the ones that come to mind were all console games.It's just how it is and we as gamer have to accept it. Consoles HAVE to be the priority. Ease of use and lower cost for the end user state so.[/citation]

Weather I want it or not I agree with you there. Most of my best memories are from consoles.. I admit, PC did a good share of solid titles but even now, when I sit at PC I rather have XBox360 PC controller than mouse and KB. It's the fun of laying back and playing along. I remember my room-mate at college dormitory playing Quake 2, stuck to chair and monitor. Now you can take a seat in a nice armchair or even lie down and play any game. Try that with kb and mouse! Then again, most people like the ease of console, it always works and you can re-sell. What a treat! Look at RAGE...

Since the topic is about GTA I must say controller is a must. Why? Because car handles better with a controller, plane too, FPS part not so but hey, walking, running, dodging, jumping etc. is the same if not better with a pad.


Apr 13, 2009
[citation][nom]edvinasm[/nom]Weather I want it or not I agree with you there. Most of my best memories are from consoles.. I admit, PC did a good share of solid titles but even now, when I sit at PC I rather have XBox360 PC controller than mouse and KB. It's the fun of laying back and playing along. I remember my room-mate at college dormitory playing Quake 2, stuck to chair and monitor. Now you can take a seat in a nice armchair or even lie down and play any game. Try that with kb and mouse! Then again, most people like the ease of console, it always works and you can re-sell. What a treat! Look at RAGE...Since the topic is about GTA I must say controller is a must. Why? Because car handles better with a controller, plane too, FPS part not so but hey, walking, running, dodging, jumping etc. is the same if not better with a pad.[/citation]ii agree as well some titles play like ass without a controller.

GTA ( any racing game)
Dead space (well any 3 person shooter)
devil may cry 4
assassins creed

i think some game types play better with a control vs a kbm


Mar 13, 2006
The GTA series have never been about having top of the line graphics so as long as its an improvement on GTA4, then I'll be happy with it. The main things I'm looking for are:

1) Better quality PC port (GTA4 was horribly buggy).
2) Bigger map / more variety of land/cityscape.
3) Change the mission / cell phone interface. I found it to not be very user friendly at all.
4) Better driving physics, I thought that the driving in 4 was worse than in 3.


May 14, 2010
[citation][nom]beardguy[/nom]I've been a PC gamer for years but I also own a XBOX 360. The thing is if consoles didn't exist the gaming industry would not be dead ... PC gaming would be booming. And we would probably be seeing some games that look twice as good too! Utilizing all the power of modern PC's. Maybe then the kids who only use computers get on Facebook and Twitter would actually learn something about computers and gain some valuable skills.[/citation]

Unfortunately no, that isn't how it works. People prefer consoles because of the ease and accessibility. Those people would not migrate to PC and learn to play with a keyboard and deal with installations and compatibility issues. They would not pay 500+ for a PC to play games. They would stop gaming. PC gaming has barriers that the average customer will not cross. Take a look at the very series this piece is about. GTA was a cult classic and didn't sell well on PC, then moved to consoles for GTA3 where it exploded. They would not have seen those sales figures if GTA3 was a PC exclusive and there might not have even been a GTA5.

Why? Because the average person prioritizes a game being enjoyable over looking good. Judging by most of the people posting here I could sell them a remake of Pong as long as it's 4k resolution. Are the textures the ONLY thing that matters to you? I'm a bit more interested in how the gameplay is, it can look like garbage for all I care as long as it's fun. I guess I'm just old school like that.

BTW, read the trailer better, he talks about a family and then it cuts to a 3 person team doing a job. Perhaps his sons are main characters as well and it could introduce team gameplay, shots like those aren't coincidence.


May 5, 2011
Not buying another console port. Game looks worse then Gta iv.

Now if the modding community could somehow use the frostbite 2 engine to make a San Andreas type clone w/ multiplayer, jets, jetpack, ect., that would be sweet..


Dec 10, 2010
You guys make it seem like the consoles created all these new gamers. I totally disagree. It may have made gaming more accessible, but it didn't create a mass of new gamers. And yes, I think there are lots of people who would migrate to the PC if consoles ceased to exist.

I mean do you really think all the people that are into gaming would just stop gaming because consoles went away? I don't think so.

I don't hate consoles, like I said I have a 360 and love playing on it. But I do totally think that consoles have REALLY held back the evolution of gaming. Enough with the dated hardware, lets start pushing the boundaries!


Oct 26, 2011
i have no problems with the graphics as long as its as big as san andreas, looks as good as 4 on pc and runs like a champ (unlike 4 on pc)


Nov 1, 2007
As a PC gamer going back to Zork and Odyssey: The Compleat Apventure, I have had a long love TRS80 model 1/Apple II, II+, IIe/Amiga 1000, 3000/PC486+ gaming. I'm now up to a q9450 oc'd to 3.6 with an AMD6870. After finally getting a PS3 primarily for BluRay (and later, an Xbox360) I have come to love console gaming. Kicking back on my couch, using my big screen TV... playing any of the Uncharted series especially. I still greatly appreciate the graphic superiority of the PC, but as has been said, the story makes the game more than the graphics. Would I prefer better graphics on the consoles? Obviously. But honestly, I don't notice them when fully immersed in a good console game.

I know its heretical to many, but - call me crazy - I just have a harder and harder time sitting at my desk for hours than I do laying on the couch.


Jun 13, 2008
[citation][nom]lockhrt999[/nom]Setup is about 10 DVDs.[/citation]

Are you serious? That's awesome! It has to have some crazy textures to be that big.


Aug 23, 2011
[citation][nom]upgrade_1977[/nom]Not buying another console port. Game looks worse then Gta iv. Now if the modding community could somehow use the frostbite 2 engine to make a San Andreas type clone w/ multiplayer, jets, jetpack, ect., that would be sweet..[/citation]

If you youtube it there is a San Andreas version on GTA IV engine. Never played it but looks sweet, especially the Carl Johnson birth place :)

p.s. quite an amount of negatives on comments, anybody here actually consider before pressing thumbs down (seems the thumbs up is quite rare)?
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