vista laptop cant install xp?


Nov 10, 2008
i purchased a HP dv6000 laptop came with vista home premium overall a nice laptop and happy with the purchase but i decide to install xp so i set boot priority to dvd-rom and booted my xp disc it went threw the whole loading programs but after that it says no harddrive deteced windows will restart
im confused for this is the first time i seen that happen i wanted to put xp on it to squeeze out some extra performance is there anything i can do or advice that can be given heard this was the forum for anything pc related
any advice greatly apperciated
It's a setting in your BIOS. Look around for AHCI support of SATA. Sometimes they list it as native SATA. Turn that on.

Honestly, though, downgrading to XP is far more trouble than it's worth now. Vista surpasses XP in almost every regard.
Surpasses: yeah more memory, more hdd space, more hoops to jump through. . .

Actually. . . XP wasn't so much faster than Windows 2000, but it could run a lot more stuff-- beter compatibility.
Yeah, I'm not sure what all the complaints about Vista are about (I will admit that I have SP1 but still). I have a system running Vista and a system running XP side by side and I must admit that after I turned UAC off, I am really liking Vista. I bought my laptop with XP because I didn't like what I was hearing about Vista, but I'm not sure that I made the right choice anymore. Oh well.
Okay, I do have one honest complaint about Vista: Repairing a network connection is so unintuitive in Vista. In XP, I usually right-click the networking icon in the system tray and choose "Repair". Vista I have to run the "Troubleshoot connection. . " and at the end of that click Repair. That is very annoying.

Also, I only turn of UAC for members of the Administrators group (quiet mode). Leave it on for everyone else-- just like the way Fedora works. Although, if windows had something like 'sudo', I'd be happier. I've never had much luck with the 'Run as. . .' in Windows.