I just recently bought a vivitar dvr917HD action cam and like all other action cameras (GoPro, etc.) it says on the website that it is able to act as a webcam and usb stream to your pc. However, whenever I connect it to my pc the camera goes black and just says "MSDC" and my pc pulls up all of my video and picture files from the camera, there is no "pc camera" option on the camera or anything. The microsd card is not corrupt and the camera and usb cable is usb 2.0/3.0 compatible. My os is Windows Home 10. Camera page on Best buy https/www.bestbuy.com/site/vivitar-4k-action-camera-with-remote-black/6060600.p?skuId=6060600&cmp=RMX&extStoreId=1188&ref=212&loc=DWA&gclid=Cj0KCQjwpvzZBRCbARIsACe8vyJa-U2P4tvkdztArdm8GNDAYUzldD27D5ooNekgM9YJYZrJNga33tEaAucYEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds