Volume very low when external speakers are plugged directly into monitor


Aug 29, 2017
I have a benQ sw2700pt monitor. I recently purchased the Samsung BD-j6300 blu-ray player. As the monitor does not have internal speakers, I am using the Bose companion 2 series 3 external speakers. These simply plug into the headphone jack at the back of the monitor. The issue I have is that, when using the blu ray player, the sound is very quiet even with the speakers turned up to max volume. When the speakers are connected to my phone or my laptop they sound great. I can't figure out if it is a problem with the monitor, the blu ray player, or the speakers. Any help or suggestions would be much appreciated.
Then it's most probably the way headphones' amp is been implemented in your monitor. I doubt you can do a lot, and using analog audio as a source.

Unfortunately, this is not a solution for your BD player (which seems to have HDMI only).
How do you plug these speakers into the BD player - thru the monitor?
Have you tried how these speakers sound when other HDMI source (your laptop might have HDMI interface, and sound coming thru it)?

The problem might be with your monitor, not "decoding" properly HDMI signals and amplifying them "enough".

Thank you so much for your reply. Sorry, I didn't mean to downvote you I just clicked it by mistake.

To answer your question I plug the speakers into the monitor's headphone jack at the back. I have tried connecting the HDMI to my laptop and found the sound to be louder than the blu ray player. However, the sound is not nearly as loud as when I connect my laptop via mini display port and plug the speakers directly into the laptop's headphone jack rather than the monitor's.

If this is a decoding problem, is there anything I would be able to do to fix it?
Thanks again for your help


Thanks for taking the time to help me with this. Just a question, would an amplifier or something like this make any difference? I've linked a product below.
