VR can I run it and is it worth it .

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Apr 4, 2016
I am running a 6600k at 4.2 and a bios hacked gtx 970ssc 4gb ummm I mean 3.5gb lol any way I am looking in to getting in to VR and was wandering 1 if my pc has what it takes and if so rift or HTC price is a factor I know the rift is 399.99 with controls and 2 Sensor and 59.00 for a 3rd for room Scale and the HTC is 599.99 so I guess what I am asking is the HTC worth the price jump
That being the case, once you have the 1070 then you will be good to go with VR. The only downside then would just be that "screen door effect" I mentioned. It may or may not bug you too much.... but due to the resolution on the headsets, when you look around... everything looks a tad grainy/blurry. Especially stuff off in the distance. Almost makes you feel like you have to clean the lens.
Well, a 970 is the minimum required for VR. Also, if you mean 4GB(3.5) of Memory, the minimum is 8GB. So, you'll need to upgrade your memory. So VR with a system like that isn't going to be a good experience. There's also the issue with current generation VR headsets in which the graphics quality has some issues, "screen door effect" is what it's being called.
I would say wait until you've upgraded your system some(or gotten a new PC) and wait for VR headsets with better resolution.
Sorry I have 16gbs of ram the 970 is a 4 gb card witch it only has 3.5gbs I have a 1070 on back order should be here in 2 to 3 weeks as of the last time I looked ... did not mean to down vote your answer toshibitsu on a pos cellphone
That being the case, once you have the 1070 then you will be good to go with VR. The only downside then would just be that "screen door effect" I mentioned. It may or may not bug you too much.... but due to the resolution on the headsets, when you look around... everything looks a tad grainy/blurry. Especially stuff off in the distance. Almost makes you feel like you have to clean the lens.
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