Want An iPod? - Don't Buy One - Wait For Odyssey!


May 9, 2001
Not sure when e.Digital is putting out this product, but it will definitely be something to look out for. They even have a 20GB model. I know that if this thing reviews well, I'm definitely trading in my Rio.

Odyssey 800
Size & Look - Same as iPod, but either silver-colored or actual stainless steel body (not sure which...but it's silver basically)
Capacity - 15GB
FM Tuner - Yep
Built-In Microphone for the ability to record voice messages? - Yep
Transfer Technology - USB 2.0
Compatibility - PC *AND* MAC (even iTunes compatible)
Price - $330

Size & Look - we all know it
Capacity - 10GB (worse)
FM Tuner - Nope (worse)
Built-in Mic - Nope (worse)
Transfer Technology - Firewire (slower than USB 2.0)
Compatibility - PC *OR* MAC (it only supports one or the other)
Price - $400
Its hard to predict how long the odyssey would be on the market before the company goes bankrupt. You'll know that Apple, however, would be on the market for plenty of years to come.
That a good point. Apple's will be around for a long time...

However all those states there are wrong now.

The iPod i now up to 40gig and has all the options listed there as add ons. yes it is of coarse still more expencive but you can get a 20gig for about the same now, but still you need to buy the ad ons...if you want those sorta things.

ASUS P4S8X - P4 2.4B - 2 x 512M DDR333 - ATI 9500 Pro(Sapphire) - WD 80G HD (8M Buffer) - SAMSUNG SV0844D 8G HD - LG 16X DVD - Yamaha F1 CDRW - Iomega Zip 250 int.
Do you have a link to a product page?

I have yet to see any manufacturer beat the ipod in terms of sheer design elegance and functionality. I'm interested to see how this product stacks up.

<b>1.4 Ghz AMD T-Bird underclocked to 1 Ghz...just to be safe!</b>