Actually Comcast has NO competition, the government did not force Comcast to have to share their infrastructure with other companys like they did with the phone companies. Satallite is a different technology and not direct competition.
Comcast tells you they are giving you "AN Enhancement" when actually all they are doing is getting extra money for boxes that are not needed on the newer digital TV's that have ATSC and QAM tuners. They scramble the signal so only their boxes can decode the programming. To sum it up:
Digital Enhancement
Customer gets: Nothing, has to remove wall tv's to install boxes, looses the full functionality of the TV's remote. Looses ease of hookup, cable distribution systems are now useless.
Comcast gets: 1. Free extra bandwith by removing analog programming, 2. Increased revenue for the rental of all those cable boxes. 3. Since these boxes are IP addressable they now know what you watch, how long you watch and can sell this info back to the networks. 4. The only game in town, you MUST get your equipment from Comcast and you will pay for every hookup.
Bottom line: Comcast wins on all counts and the customer gets screwed.