CoreyR :
I suppose, if you have to have what passes for modern television shows, you have a point. As for me, I prefer older TV and Netflix does, in fact, have plenty of those. I do just fine.
i've tried to enjoy older shows, but the video quality from the 1990's is too bad.
i havent even been able to finish the outer limit series.
i really dont see any 'genre' based television shows of the past.
there are categories like comedy and action.. but anything small and inbetween seems to have been lost.
my experience..
the majority of television is nonsense and drama.
trying to watch television for free gives fewer choices and those that do exist are quite poor.
i think it would be nice to have a day so occupied that there is no time for television, except the occasional movie.
then.. if i could squeeze in enough high definition movies to make sense of the monthly fee, i'd be set.
i was a heavy hulu user for a solid year and i was hardly impressed.
but what to expect for free?
i am happy to see that there are people who make entertainment for the sake of viewable content.
its like a band who will play music because they enjoy playing music and wont bother people with other things like money as long as the scheduled date is guaranteed (weather aside).