I am currently looking for a new headphone or headset for CASUAL gaming (such as MMORPGs and League of legends, etc.) and alot of music listening, I tend to listen to all types of music, mostly on the "Trap" music side of things though... I currently have an Audio-Technica AT2020 + an Audio-Technica ad700x and I'm just not impressed with the sound quality of these headphones what so ever. I know everyone says gaming headsets are bad.. if I were to go for one it would be this one only https
/www.amazon.com/dp/B008O515CK/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=2EVTYXET9X31N&coliid=I13ZGDFCK6CKK8 but, I would rather go for headphones considering I only casually game and love listening to music, and I also love this desktop mic I have currently. So, my question to you is.. What is the best headphone for me? I have a budget of around $200-$250 and thats not including an AMP/Soundcard which I currently have these chosen out (give me your thoughts on these too for a surround sound setup)
Soundcard: http
Amp: https

Soundcard: http

Amp: https