What headphones to go for


Feb 27, 2016
I am currently looking for a new headphone or headset for CASUAL gaming (such as MMORPGs and League of legends, etc.) and alot of music listening, I tend to listen to all types of music, mostly on the "Trap" music side of things though... I currently have an Audio-Technica AT2020 + an Audio-Technica ad700x and I'm just not impressed with the sound quality of these headphones what so ever. I know everyone says gaming headsets are bad.. if I were to go for one it would be this one only https://www.amazon.com/dp/B008O515CK/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=2EVTYXET9X31N&coliid=I13ZGDFCK6CKK8 but, I would rather go for headphones considering I only casually game and love listening to music, and I also love this desktop mic I have currently. So, my question to you is.. What is the best headphone for me? I have a budget of around $200-$250 and thats not including an AMP/Soundcard which I currently have these chosen out (give me your thoughts on these too for a surround sound setup)

Soundcard: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16829132006

Amp: https://schiit.com/products/magni-2
If you're mostly listening to music, I think you'd be better off getting a decent pair of music headphones without a shtty boom mic attached, and get a separate mic just for the pc.

AKG make some great sounding well priced headphones.
If you're after noise cancelling, I use Bose QC25. Great if you travel a lot, and my ears don't get 'tired' like they do using earbuds for long periods.

Like I said, I do currently have a seperate desktop mic and would prefer to get a set of headphones that are good for music and casual gaming.. I prefer open back due to the wide soundstage and it makes me feel as if I am surrounded by the sound and not inclosed and a smushed soundstage, the headphones I choose will not be used for travel. Thanks for the quick response though! :)
EDIT: My bad, didn't realize that you reccomended open back headphones first, due to reading so quick. Sorry! I'll check out some akg headphones, but I will wait for more suggestions from people in the community before I make my final decision

I am one of those people, who really don't like gaming headsets, due to the awful soundstage and just overall quality.. especially from brand names such as corsair, I also believe that a wireless headset lacks some audio quality due to not having a direct connection to the card, and charging is a pain. I would prefer to go with a higher end studio headphone that I can use dolby with, but thanks for the suggestion! :)
I think you'll have to compromise.
There will be very few legitimately good sounding headphones with attached mics, and maybe no real open backed ones due to sound contamination with the attached mic.

So it's likely a choice between great sound and a separate mic, or good sound with an integrated mic.

I know this, I've told you that I ALREADY own an Audio-Technica At2020 Desktop Microphone seperate, I am only looking for a good quality pair of headphones NOT A HEADSET