Well, all those password issues were not Apple's fault, they only go by what you entered into the system. If you entered the birthday wrong when you setup the account or put in an old email and never updated it when it chanced, nothing they can do. The Wipe Data will set the device to factory default, the OS should still be on there, so it will not really brick it, unless they also have an OS wipe feature so the stolen iPad would be totally useless.
I have never seen a computer system reject a correct password, every single time someone ends up saying to me "oh yea, I forgot I changed it before I went on vacation" or "oops, that was my other password to something else". The only time I have seen a password bug was in a BlackBerry where it would all of a sudden start rejecting valid passwords. I've also seen people try something 3 times in front of me, fail, tell me what the password is, I type it in, works fine when I type it. Means they just typed it in wrong.