What is the difference between rooting a phone, unlocking, and Jail Breaking?

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Rooting means gaining root (administrator) access to the phone, and lets you modify the system rather than just the apps.

Unlocking means removing the SIMlock that prevents it from running on any but the original network.

Jailbreaking means allowing you to install applications from third-party sources. It's not really a term used by android, because it's basically done by ticking a box in Security Settings.

In addition to what Someone Somewhere said,

Rooting is usually for Android phone to have admin rights.

Jailbreaking is usually for Iphones or apple devices so you can download free applications.

Unlocking means removing carrier lock so you can use your phone with any sim/carrier :)

There's no software to unlock your phone. if you're using an iphone. you can use x sim or gevey sim.
For android phones , some technicians have knowledge on tweaking phones to unlock it.

However lower version of iphones can be unlocked using ultrasnow.
In layman's terms:

Rooting = means that you can unlock your phone for administrative privileges that allows you to add or delete applications that are not authorized by Google Play

Unlocking = Allows you to use your device on any network as long as the network is compatible with the antenna on your device (AT&T, T-Mobile, Verizon = CDMA, Sprint/Virgin/Boost = GSM)

Jailbreaking = allows applications to be installed from outside application stores
What was said above is all perfectly correct.

To clarify your question about unlocking software. Software for this purpose does exist. However, it is not only illegal to use (in some if not most circumstances, this is clarified in my unlocking sticky at the top of this sub-forum), it is also command line based and far above the technical scope of the average user. So much as a single mistake made could cripple your phone to the point where it essentially becomes a paperweight with a battery compartment.

Because of the legality issues, we can not help you do this here. There's just too many blanks and it's not a risk we at Tom's are willing to take.
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