tegasunil :
This looks as u writing an article.....information is good but not up to the mark....!!
that is tickling because the same can be said when viewing a 3d television with some sync problems.
as if to say, the 'article' is the flashing of the glasses when the television and glasses arent letting all of the light through as a team.
you get these feelings of grey or a lighter shade of black.
maybe you get these feelings of black when you put the glasses on and the shutters are working.
but that would be adding color to the display, and it isnt something i would expect when grabbing some glasses that are simply supposed to open and shut some blinders.
i guess if the refresh rate was high enough, whatever color the shutters are would kinda blend in with the picture.
maybe not by being close to the eyeball and interfering with the vision to the television.. but maybe because of the light bouncing around on the shutters, producing more of an ambient artifact from those reflections off of the shutters.
or are the lenses themselves slightly tinted?
anyways.. i would assume the situation goes like this, if there are sync problems.. then the 3d wont pop out as much (or if at all) because your brain isnt getting the information for each eye continously.
with a sync problem two things happen:
1. the left side goes to the left eye and slowly shifts to the right eye, then back to the left (ruining the brains chance to do all of the processing)
2. as the shutters get out of sync, you dont get as long to view each frame of video.. so you might be seeing only one frame for a fraction of the time you should be seeing it.
you might be seeing the television switch from one picture to the next (more blurry)
watching the television switch frames from a single eyeball means you are missing the frame entirely, on each eyeball.
the viewing experience couldnt get any more blurry unless you reduced the sharpness of the television, or smeared a liquid on the lenses of the shutter glasses.
and this is how the video information could be good.. as if a 'change' but not popping out of the screen (or giving extra depth for that matter).