Whats with TCM?



Archived from groups: alt.tv.tech.hdtv (More info?)

I have directv now for almost 2 years and recieved TCM in perfect resolution,
until recently. They seem to lately have a habit of showing some of movies that
I would like to see, int the wee hours of the morning. I don't stay up for any
movie, but I would tape it. Recently they showed a movie that I heard so much
about thru the years called "Ecstasy" with a young Hedy lamarr. i guess it was
too taboo to show during daytime hours...I've heard that cable has shown more
revealing shows then that. Maybe it was notorious in its time..I'm sure it
was..but getting back to viewing it after tapeing it, all I recieved were
blotches of pizels for the entire 2 hours. Now, I check tcm at times during the
day and although there is an improvement, it breaks up at times which is
disconcerting. I live in NYC area and my other channels seem to be good as in
the past. BTW, pixels are for digial broadcasting too? I thought it was only
for hd. TCM, to my knowldge has never shown a HD movie. Anyone here have this
problem with tcm?
Archived from groups: alt.tv.tech.hdtv (More info?)

PNeski <pneski@aol.com> wrote in message news:20041122150846.08096.00001064@mb-m07.aol.com...
> Get a Tivo ,you will glad you did


"The number of U.S. households with a TiVo or TiVolike recording system
is expected to increase from 5 to 41 percent in five years,
according to Forrester Research, which studies technology's effect on business."


"ReplayTV had allowed its subscribers to skip commercials entirely,
TiVo restricted its fast-forward capabilities so viewers could still see
the commercial, albeit eight times faster than intended.

(ReplayTV last year was forced by litigious studios and networks
to adopt a more TiVolike system.)"

Perhaps not.
Archived from groups: alt.tv.tech.hdtv (More info?)

"PNeski" <pneski@aol.com> wrote in message
> Get a Tivo ,you will glad you did

Or just get a stand-alone DVR/DVD recorder-player with a hard drive, like
one of the Panasonics.

Archived from groups: alt.tv.tech.hdtv (More info?)

Get a Tivo ,you will glad you did>>>

"The number of U.S. households with a TiVo or TiVolike recording system
is expected to increase from 5 to 41 percent in five years,
according to Forrester Research, which studies technology's effect on

What does Tivo got to do with my problem? Its the transmission from directv and
your reception is only as good as its being transmited and if its bad
transmission not even the "miracle Tivo" can make a difference..In other words,
what does apples have to do with oranges, besides tasting good?