When I reinstall windows 10, can I use a complety New Microsft account.

Oct 17, 2018
At the moment I`m having trouble with my Wifes PC due to the fact I have used the same Microsoft account e mail at some point. Also, the original e mail account I used is no longer valid!
Both are running Windows 10, one a 64 bit and the other 32bit.

Getting on a bit and am getting very confused when it comes to logging on. The problem seems to be one or the other PC`s then always asking for a New Log On account. I do that and smack- when I then try running the other PC , I get the same problem.
I`m happy to wipe and do a full install so long as the two systems don't end up with MS Accounts Linked.
Please help before I find my Abacus out
There maybe a much simpler way but I am struggling now
Thanks in anticipation
When you setup Windows, you linked that setup to an account. That account is now part of your license. If you have issued with linking things to a new setup, you should contact Microsoft support or go through the troubleshooting steps in their online support. When you logon you should see some options about what to do if you can't.
When you setup Windows, you linked that setup to an account. That account is now part of your license. If you have issued with linking things to a new setup, you should contact Microsoft support or go through the troubleshooting steps in their online support. When you logon you should see some options about what to do if you can't.
Thank you for your welcome response. I have worked my way through all and recover screens but always ends up with asking to send to my Deleted E Mail account. Trouble is of course my alias e mail and text phone is linked to my Wife`s PC ACCOUNT!
I will try again to contact MS Help centre for advice to replace e mail, So Glad I didn`t just wipe all pc and reinstall. I was about to do just that.
If I get any joy from MS, I will Post again with an Even Bigger Thankyou
Heres Hoping!
Thank you all for this. I have chatted on line with Microsoft who really helped. They also explained in Novice terms the difference between MS Accounts and Windows Accounts. All working fine now.
Thank you