When will X9s price go down?

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Archived from groups: alt.video.laserdisc (More info?)

>Do you really say that the difference between a DVHS and a DVD is less than
the difference between a LD and DVD?Well, I don't find that correct.>

Look who is confused again/still. Yes, it is good ol' Batty Matty.
He has accused me of not being able to read, a show of obvious bigotry,
elitism, and illiteratiphobia, but somehow misread the original poster's
sentence that explained why he felt that the improvement of D-Theater over DVD
is less than the improvement of DVD over LaserDisc.

The original poster wrote:
"Most anamorphic OAR DVDs are so good that I often don't care if I
have an HDTV recording of a movie to watch as
the improvement isn't so great to give up the convenience and features
of DVD."

The poster does have a legitimate point, but I find that the "state
of the art" A/V presentation of D-VHS is worthy of appreciation, even though
the tape format cannot compete with the DVD format for extras and other
convenience amenities. If one can swing it, I recommend getting the D-VHS for
playing the movie and the DVD for playing "with" the movie.

Archived from groups: alt.video.laserdisc (More info?)

> Well, this I find kind of strange. Do you really say that the
> difference between a DVHS and a DVD is less than the difference
> between a LD and DVD?
> Well, I don't find that correct. DVHS is 1080i and DVD is 480, thats
> over double the resolution. LD have 425 lines of resolution and even
> with a non-anamorphic LD in widescreen (when we lose 33% resolution)
> we are still not at all close to have half the resolution of DVD. And
> then we should not talk about VF that make most DVD's losing
> resolution!
> So, I would say that for example, Star Wars Ep1 LD are closer to the
> DVD (with the right player) than most DVD's are to the DVHS issue.
> So, maybe you have used a bad ld player when comparde. To me,
> DVHS/HDTV is a much bigger step in quality over DVD than DVD was over
> LD.
> /Mattias

Your opinion would be different than mine. A good 480p DVD is so much
better than LD on my system that I will stick with my comment. I do
not have the X9 to compare and never will but I doubt even that LD
player would change my opinion. I have owned several LD players,
having bought my first in 1983 and didn't sell all my LDs until about
96 when I knew DVD was coming and would be an enormous improvement,
which it is. My comment is intended as a general comment about the
formats and not specific about the best LD player compared to worst
DVD player or the best LD compared to the worst DVD. DVD is a great
value and LD was not. DVD is convenient in size and weight and offers
extras that LD doesn't. With D-VHS I give up many DVD advantages for
better picture quality and with my system, 480p DVD is so good that I
am not willing to pay the price to get DTheater over DVD. Pretty
simple opinion that you can certainly disagree with but it is only
that, my opinion. I love D-VHS for recording HD from DirecTV.

Archived from groups: alt.video.laserdisc (More info?)

chris_gerhard@my-Deja.com (Chris Gerhard) wrote in message news:<5985103.0407240659.66cc7c7c@posting.google.com>...

> Your opinion would be different than mine. A good 480p DVD is so much
> better than LD on my system that I will stick with my comment. I do
> not have the X9 to compare and never will but I doubt even that LD
> player would change my opinion. I have owned several LD players,
> having bought my first in 1983 and didn't sell all my LDs until about
> 96 when I knew DVD was coming and would be an enormous improvement,
> which it is.
> Chris

Well, you must understand that one cannot make 100% sure comment if
one does not fully take the advantages of the system.
So I could say that DVD is not so good, when I use a bad old DVD
player with composite out and in 4:3 mode. I'm not saying that at all,
I'm using one of the best DVD players, Panasonic RP-82 with SDI, for
my comments about DVD.
I also have the two best laserdisc players for my comments on the
laserdisc system.

I will NOT say that the best LD player are as good as a DVD player,
DVD ARE a better format. But I say, and this I think all in the NG
agree me with, is that the picture quality out of a LD player are MUCH
MUCH dependent on what player you use. So a bad LD player can almost
look as a VHS or S-VHS video.
And you said that you sold all your LD gear in 1996, I would think
that you maybe did not have one of the better player then? What player
did you have?
This would prove a big help when I talk to you about this.

Yes, to get as much out of LD is a pain in the ass AND costly one, not
like getting a 150$ DVD player today. But one should know that a, from
example, CLD-3030 / 3390 does not give a good laserdisc picture, not
even close!!
I did have a discussion about laserdisc quality with a person that
juddge all his knowledge on a Pioneer CLD-3030. That is a player that
give you a little better than VHS picture and one that cannot be taken
into discussion when one talks about the quality of the LD's.

So again, I do NOT say that LD is as good as DVD. But on good LD and
great players, a T2 anamorphic LD are MUCH closer to the DVD than the
DVD is to HDTV. (This test have been made by Rachael Bellamony with a
HLD-X9, DVDO scaler and a big HDTV and she said this btw;
"Remember, it's a 16 x 9 Laserdisc. It was as good or better than the
older T2 DVD. I thought it had better colour. It didn't get sclock
mastering like so many LD's and now DVD's have too. It's a shinning
example! I have the T2 Extreme disc. I'm not gonna bother extensively
comparing the pair. I have other things to do. I assure you that the
LD would be very competative."

This said Goverias from the Netherlands;

"Finally did a shoot out between a Pioneer CLD-925 (European model)
and the highly praised LD-S9. The setup was a Barco cine 8 with DVDO
HD Scaler. We only compared picture after carefully calibrating with
video essentials. The difference was striking. Depth, color, sharpness
were so much better on the LD-S9. And the piece the resistance: very
clean picture with no visible chroma noise on the S9. It was very
clear when watching the test patterns of video essentials. With the
925 the picture didn't hold up that well. The S9 showed its
superiority by showing even the smallest lines. It was almost uncanny.
LD without chroma noise what a bliss...
....The total picture was very pleasing. I think when you spin your
laserdiscs on these top of the line players, hometheater rookies would
not even know it's laserdisc their watching."

This was made with a LD-S9 player, not as good as the HLD-X9 but
really good. The CLD-925 are about the same in quality as the CLD504
and that one is still better than a older model like 3030/3390.
Barco cine 8 is one of the BEST projektors you can get at ALL today,
so if there is a problem in the picture, you will see it.
Ok, this was made with a rather good ld player (1330$) and a DVDO
scaler, so it's not cheap, BUT you will get most of the LD's (even
more if you use a X9).

Well, sorry for give a such a long answer, but I think that one should
not judge a book by it's cover, one should dig into it and then one
can say if it's good or bad.
