Where can I buy a Laserdisc Player in London?



Archived from groups: alt.video.laserdisc (More info?)

I want to pick up a laserdisc player in london. Is there anywhere that I
can pick one up? s
Second hand or new?

change nospam to optimusprime to reply
Archived from groups: alt.video.laserdisc (More info?)

>I want to pick up a laserdisc player in london. Is there anywhere that I
>can pick one up? s
>Second hand or new?

Check on eBay, I'm sure you will find a lot of them listed that you could pick
Archived from groups: alt.video.laserdisc (More info?)

try second hand shops, my mate has three from london second hand stores the
greedy bastid
"ETVIDEO1" <etvideo1@aol.com> wrote in message
> >I want to pick up a laserdisc player in london. Is there anywhere that I
> >can pick one up? s
> >Second hand or new?
> Check on eBay, I'm sure you will find a lot of them listed that you could
> up.