Which is Better for Gaming


Jan 3, 2016
Gaming as in Counter Strike Global Offensive/Overwatch

laptop 1:
Core i3-4005U processor (4th Gen) 1.7 GHz
4GB of RAM
500 GB Hard Drive
Nvidia 820M Dedicated graphics card
15.6 inch screen
Full keyboard with numb pad
Windows 10 operating system

Laptop 2:
Core i5-5200u 5th gen 2.2ghz
4gb ram
500gb hard drive
Intel HD 5500

So which one is the better buy?
Neither is good for "gaming", CS GO they will run only because it's based on a 10 year old engine. Overwatch and newer games like it will be very slow even at low settings.

For a gaming laptop, the mid range is the 960m, the 820m is a low spec video card and is from last generation. The 9xx models are slated to be replaced soon, so the 8xx are really just about 2 generations behind current ones.

Maybe something with a 940m can run Overwatch OK at lower settings, anything lower you may as well wait till you can afford a faster system.

$500, can't really do better for the price http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?item=N82E16834315302

$650 for a faster video card...
If I were you, I will pick the first option because of its dedicated graphics, yet these options will all have limited performance on the game with high setting. I would recommend you can consider about the mainstream spec for gaming, the core i7 and GTX 900 series graphics.
Neither is good for "gaming", CS GO they will run only because it's based on a 10 year old engine. Overwatch and newer games like it will be very slow even at low settings.

For a gaming laptop, the mid range is the 960m, the 820m is a low spec video card and is from last generation. The 9xx models are slated to be replaced soon, so the 8xx are really just about 2 generations behind current ones.

Maybe something with a 940m can run Overwatch OK at lower settings, anything lower you may as well wait till you can afford a faster system.

$500, can't really do better for the price http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?item=N82E16834315302

$650 for a faster video card https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01CL50JV6/ref=pd_lpo_sbs_dp_ss_1?pf_rd_p=1944687502&pf_rd_s=lpo-top-stripe-1&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_i=B00XHM7KOC&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=4ZM4J4DF0ESHVN94K1C1