Which is better for occasional gaming


Jan 29, 2013
With my budget and wants I've narrowed down my choices between two laptops. Now I know neither is ideal but is what I can do. Also, I don't care about the screen rez/size much because it'll be plugged into a TV most of the time, but do need portability sometimes which is why I'm not looking at a desktop.

I don't really know that much about specs for electronics and what the impact on performance is so to those that do, which of these two will have the edge?(I'll upgrade either to 8GB RAM when I get it)

The Acer V3-571G-6407, specs here: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834215662

Or the Lenovo IdeaPad G780
specs: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834310625

It seems obvious at first BUT after reading reviews and forums, the Lenovo blocks all overclocking of the CPU/GPU, will this give the Acer the edge despite the 630M w/1GB vs. the Lenovo w/635M and 2GB?

Thank you in advance :)


Dec 16, 2012
I recommend lenovo, for the same price you can same specs however you also get biger screen, not to forget better GPU which will be better on gaming when you want to play it on bigger screens :) and if you care about batter lenovo is also better however instead of upgrading RAM i recomended getting betetr GPU if its possibly, respectivelly you can also make a custom laptop which you can build yourself and will be much better or you can use a custom website such as pcspecialists.com, http://www.****/id/Build-your-own-laptop/ here is a guide that tells you hwo to build a laptop :) is not as hard as it sounds, probably the hardest part is finding the components but unless you want to buy the laptop on finance i really recomend building it yourself. You will save a lot of money or if not you will at least get much better specs which will suit your play style using tv much better :) hope this helps to answer your question.


Jan 29, 2013

Well yeah your rite, I was referring to the "allowed" turbo boost feature of the i5 to go from 2.5 to 3.1 gHz under heavy load, the Acer lets that happen while the Lenovo for what ever reason dose not.


Jan 29, 2013

Thank you very much, just what I needed to know. I looked a bit into the custom build suggested by you and several others but just to get the same i5 3210 is like $200-250 all on it's own. I can't seem to compete with the marked down pre-built prices. I'm only looking now with my meager budget because the dv7 I have now is on it's limit with SolidWorks, it's crashed a time or two with larger projects, and my work schedule really limits my time in the computer labs at school so I need my own, and I figured why not get something that can do a little light gaming as well.

Thanks again.