Which laptop is better : AMD A8-4500M vs Intel Core i3-2310M


Dec 23, 2010
The price is similar for both of them .

HP Envy
AMD A8-4500M
750GB HD

Dell Inspiron 15R N5110
processor type: Intel Core i3-2310M (2nd generation)
4GB Ram
graphics processor: intel HD graphics
optical drive: DVD±RW
The GHz difference is not a factor since the CPU architectures are different. Intel's IPC is higher than AMD's, so is faster, clock for clock.
Photoshop might benefit from the additional RAM, but you can always upgrade that (probably also to 8GB) on the Intel, which will be quicker in Photoshop.
If you want to play games, the AMD laptop is still the better choice. Consider whether or not battery life is important to you, and see which is longer. Keep in mind that the number listed will almost always be lower in actual use, particularly anything very demanding like games. Replacing the included HDD with a SSD (specifically a Samsung, which has remarkably low idle power usage) may increase battery life by a decent amount (I gained...
If you will be playing games, get the AMD model, as its graphics will be superior. For anything else, the Intel will be notably quicker.
Either system may have a 5400RPM HDD, and would significantly benefit from a SSHD or SSD upgrade.

I see. Isn't the difference between the processors minimal. 1.9 vs 2.1ghz and the RAM on the AMD is 8 GB not 6GB . Does that make any difference. I mostly do Photoshop , coding and would love to do gaming .
The GHz difference is not a factor since the CPU architectures are different. Intel's IPC is higher than AMD's, so is faster, clock for clock.
Photoshop might benefit from the additional RAM, but you can always upgrade that (probably also to 8GB) on the Intel, which will be quicker in Photoshop.
If you want to play games, the AMD laptop is still the better choice. Consider whether or not battery life is important to you, and see which is longer. Keep in mind that the number listed will almost always be lower in actual use, particularly anything very demanding like games. Replacing the included HDD with a SSD (specifically a Samsung, which has remarkably low idle power usage) may increase battery life by a decent amount (I gained over half an hour, maybe as much as an hour, on my low-power Lenovo X140E; on the models you are considering, the HDD represents a lower percentage of total power draw, so half an hour may be the most you'll get).