Which Laptop would be better? And Asus customer service?

Nov 21, 2014
Right now, I'm between Toshiba and Asus.

I am working with a tight $850-$899 budget so I am trying my best to find the best one for my current needs. I will be needing it to run photoshop and illustrator (wont be doing hardcore graphics, just some logos and vectors so I don't think I will need an epic graphics card...)

I would also like to play League of Legends on there as welI won't be playing that often. I'm more focus on finding one for the adobe programs than gaming)

I'm siding more with the asus laptop but I'm afraid that if the laptop decides to bail on me I will have to deal with the asus customer service...which I've heard is really really bad...


Asus: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/asus-2-in-1-15-6-touch-screen-laptop-intel-core-i5-8gb-memory-1tb-hard-drive-black/5827053.p?id=1219163970040&skuId=5827053

So far, from what I see, choices are very limited for what I'm looking for but please feel free to tell me if you have other laptop suggestions. I'm currently looking for one that has/is:

- 8 gb ram
- 500 gb - 1 tb hard drive
- Touch screen
- Tablet - like; screen with 360 rotation
- decent graphics card

Oh and I have tried the Lenovo Edge 15 and returned it:

I dislike it. So please don't suggest that. :)
I agree with js98, but the asus ons has 250 gb more storage, and is proably also faster due to the toshiba hard drive spins at 5400 rpm versus the 1 tb Black hard drive form western digital. Black hard drives has a in built ssd for fast cache. And the asus one has a better costumer ratting....

hope this helped, have a nice day 😀
This one should get you suited for some time: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/msi-gp70-leopard-010-17-3-laptop-intel-core-i5-8gb-memory-1tb-hard-drive-black/5185148.p?id=1219113400424&skuId=5185148

even thoe its just at the egde of your budget, but its from MSI which makes really good laptops and such.

For graphics, its pretty decent, a Nvidia Geforce GT 840M, will get you suited with most casual games.

Cpu, pretty good 2,5 GHz base 3,1 GHz turbo (stock) Intel i5 4th generation.

1 TB storage and 8 gb of ram and 17,3 inch screen which is more then you need XD.

Windows 8/8.1 64 bit and weights in at 5,5 pounds.

I hope this is what you need, have a nice day! 😀

EDIT: Didnt see that you needed touch screen and tablet function, this laptop wont have it, but it should be pretty good if you changed your mind.
But actually the ASUS one is pretty good, but it doesnt have any dedicated gpu 🙁

"Crap"hics Intel 4400 Hd graphics, enough for very light gaming and watching movies.

Cpu, I5 1,7 GHz base and 2,7 GHz turbo (stock) (4th Generation)

8 gb of ram, with the choice to upgrade to 12 gb of ram, if needed.

1 Tb harddrive and 15,6 inch screen.

Go with Asus, and dont use their costumer service if possible, go on the internet and search for your problems, or talk to the company you bought it from.

hope this helped you, have a nice day 😀

I agree with legobye. Although on the edge of your budget, you can't go wrong MSI. If not, rather take the Toshiba. the lack of dedicated graphics in the ASUS could prove problematic.
I agree with js98, but the asus ons has 250 gb more storage, and is proably also faster due to the toshiba hard drive spins at 5400 rpm versus the 1 tb Black hard drive form western digital. Black hard drives has a in built ssd for fast cache. And the asus one has a better costumer ratting....

hope this helped, have a nice day 😀