Which laptop would you say is the better buy? The HP Spectre x360 or the Lenovo Thinkpad X1 Yoga?


Aug 9, 2016
Hey guys, I am looking to buy a laptop for my senior year of high school and into college. I did some reserarch came down to the HP Spectre x360 and the Lenovo Thinkpad X1 Yoga. What do you think of these two devices? Is one better than the other? Let me know what you would recommend or suggest and I thank you all in advance.

Unless you configure one with an i5 6200u and the other with an i7 6500u I don't see any notable performance differences.

The yoga x1 is pricier. I think this is just because of its lightweight design coupled with a better pen. It also has a better 2 in 1 design. The spectre x360 feels a bit awkward when you switch to its tablet mode. Its not really meant to...
If you don't care much about the pen then go with the x360. If you're looking for a good 2 in 1 laptop that you can use as a "tablet" with good pen input for drawing and what not then go with the x1 yoga.

If you don't care about touch screen or pen at all I'd take a look at the Dell XPS.

Ok so you don't see any other down falls in specs where one beats out another?

Unless you configure one with an i5 6200u and the other with an i7 6500u I don't see any notable performance differences.

The yoga x1 is pricier. I think this is just because of its lightweight design coupled with a better pen. It also has a better 2 in 1 design. The spectre x360 feels a bit awkward when you switch to its tablet mode. Its not really meant to be a 2 in 1 as much as the yoga x1.

Honestly if your budget is in that $1700 range since you're considering an x1 yoga and you REALLY want a good 2 in 1 tablet with a good pen for drawing take a look at the surface pro 4 or surface book. The pen is going to be a waste of money if you're going to use it just for light note taking.

If you go with the x360 I've heard the dell stylus works better than the hp stylus.


OK thank you so much