Which of these laptops is the best for gaming?

James Rodriguez

Dec 23, 2014
I know these laptops aren't good enough to run the newest games. But which one of these will run the games that are a bit older/less demanding (GTA IV, Sims 4, Tomb Raider, FIFA15, Naruto Storm Revolution, Mafia II, Batman: Arkham City,etc) decent?

1. AMD A8-6410 Quad-Core (2 Ghz-2.4Ghz), 12GB RAM DDR3L-SDRAM, AMD Radeon R7 M260 (stand alone) @2GB , Windows 8.1.

2. AMD A10-5745M Quad-Core (2.1 Ghz-2.9Ghz), 8GB RAM DDR3L, AMD HD 8610G + 8550M-1GB (stand alone) @1GB, Windows 8.1.

3. Intel Core i5-4210u Dual-Core (1.7 Ghz-2.7Ghz), 8GB RAM DDR3L-SDRAM, Intel HD Graphics 4400 (integrated), Windows 8.1.

4. Intel Core i5-4210m Dual-Core (2.6Ghz), 8GB RAM DDR3L 1600 MHz, Intel HD Graphics 4600 (integrated), Windows 8.1.
To be honest, the a8+ r7 m260 is well ahead of any onboard graphics Intel have, however I wouldn't reccomend 1080p unless you trim the details down to low and maybe medium. The r7 260 will be able to run Fifa15 and mafia 2 and the sims, the other games however might not run too well. here is a review by notebook check http://www.notebookcheck.net/AMD-Radeon-R7-M260.122208.0.html for the sort of performance it will give. The second option I don't believe will run as well as the R7 however they are really not meant for anything demanding, I feel you're being abit optimistic on running Tomb Raider, these cards are geared to games like Dota and sims. Hope this helped.
I've just recently gotten to play with a Lenovo E545 with the A10-5750 chip (A skosh faster than the 5745 but negligible) in it and the built-in video. I have to say, for the price point, the A10 is good enough for Fallout: NV, Skyrim, and turn-based games. For the high profile FPS games it will choke. Unreal Tournament 3 runs well as does BF3. BF4 and the newer Assassin's Creed games would have to run at low settings. Now that being said, if it's paired with dedicated video then you may have better luck.

As for the A8 chip and an "R" series dedicated card it's my opinion that they would run evenly with the A10. You're trading a slower clock CPU with a higher rated video chip for a higher clock CPU and lower rated video chip. Kinda evens out in my opinion.

My suggestion for a decent combo laptop spec would be an intel core i3/i5 with the nVidia 820M or 840M video. Might have to spend an extra $100 but it would be worth it depending on the games or useage.
The AMDs are best but you need to see if you can set your north bridge functions an add more memory use to your graphics card in the UMA.It is found in the north bridge functions.DO NOT BUY unless you can change it.The one you can change you need to set it to use 2GB of memory stick for video.You will get incredible performance.Also install Driver 14.4.