Which Processor better for UD?

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Okay, now it all jumped up. My cpu was at ~140, NIC went down to 48, storage at 2.5 gigs went up to 50, ram is still at 134. I don't run it much... Just kinda fun once in a while. I'm still churning out seti units mostly.

Some day I'll be rich and famous for inventing a device that allows you to stab people in the face over the internet.
<font color=blue>Your all Right !!!!</font color=blue>
I moved from 10T hub too 10/100 switch
and all my <font color=blue>Nic's</font color=blue> went to <font color=blue>100 points</font color=blue>
<font color=red>THANKS !!!!!!!!!!!</font color=red>

<font color=blue>HOSED = Horrific operating system error detected</font color=blue>
<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by Owl on 03/21/03 09:09 PM.</EM></FONT></P>
I've never been able to get much out of trying to run two of these type of processes at once... Let me know if you think it buys you more than it looses. It seems that the multitasking would be difficult for these single thread processors.

700 Mflops in SETI!
yep. far as i can tell its 'mostly' FPU... A P4 could win, but it would ahve to have a vast excess of Mhz and memory bandwidth.
AMD's arnt all that memory bandwidth sensitive either 1.2C @ 133fsb with sdram was slightly slower than same Mhz @ 150fsb
but on a modern DDR chipset (KT333) 133/133 gives exactly the same performance as 133/166 and 166/166.

And i dont know how much but i would assume that extra cache would help... reduce the amount of main memory calls.

The topic of multitasking on SMP machines have been covered extensivly on the UD forums. Its too complex and would require a complete rewrite of the code. its far easier to run two instances of UD side by side instead.

P.S. I recently upgraded to ADSL with a dlink 504 adsl modem/switch and a NIC. my network scores are now 100, even though its only a 512/128 connection

<b>Damn War! I'm too young to watch other people die!</b>
<A HREF="http://members.iinet.net.au/~lhgpoobaa/images" target="_new">My Images!</A><P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by LHGPooBaa on 03/25/03 00:02 AM.</EM></FONT></P>
How have you set your connection type? Still 56k6 modem or have you changed it to DSL?

My dual-PSU PC is so powerfull that the neighbourhood dims when I turn it on 😱
dunno. dont care. lol
just crunch.

<b>Damn War! I'm too young to watch other people die!</b>
<A HREF="http://members.iinet.net.au/~lhgpoobaa/images" target="_new">My Images!</A>
Do you want to take a look for me... you can find it under the device profile settings. Maybe if you set it to 56k6 with a cable connection you can get loads of points.

My dual-PSU PC is so powerfull that the neighbourhood dims when I turn it on 😱
For me i dont think it matters what i set it too...
as i have a ADSL modem/router connected to a NIC, all it sees is the T10/100 Nic, so i get a connection speed rated at 100, or more often around 45 when the modem is downloading at full speed.

<b>Damn War! I'm too young to watch other people die!</b>
<A HREF="http://members.iinet.net.au/~lhgpoobaa/images" target="_new">My Images!</A>