I NEED YOUR HELP- Down to 2, Which is better?!?


Feb 4, 2014



From what I've read on CPU boss, the processors are too close to call performance wise, but i know some people on here will say the i5 will crush the A10.
Then comparing the R7 265 to the 8750m, the 265 has a higher clock speed but the 8750 has a lot bigger memory bandwidth and slightly higher memory clock speed.

The acer with the A10 processor also has 8gbs of ram vs 6gbs and a 1tb hdd vs 500gb. Does anyone know if the memory is running in dual channel mode in the one with 8gbs ram?

I kind of think the way there setup as is, the one with the AMD A10 processor will be better for gaming and overall perform better, but I donno... or if I got the intel cpu one and got more memory for it would that be better? ARRRGGGHHHH I CANT DECIDE!!!
The one with the amd cpu does look better though, i like the cool silver, but i dont care too much about that. I'd care more about the quality of the keyboard than that.

There is this option as well http://www.amazon.com/Acer-Aspire-Laptop-750GB-V5-552P-X617/dp/B00FS4UNG4/ref=pd_sim_sbs_pc_5?ie=UTF8&refRID=14E50JK0S03FNDRMQ86Q

Just cause its touch screen and costs 700 on acers store, but only has the 8650g integrated graphics. Think id rather have the more powerful machine than the touchscreen.


Here is the information I was reading about each graphics card and CPU,

seems the 8750m is the favored there but I dont know about the processors. Would honestly think on paper the A10 looks better, quad core vs dual, higher clock speeds, and more cache. But intel has the hyper threading and how they actually perform is up in the air to me.
I would chose the A10 over the i5 (just looking at CPU performance), as that particular i5 is a low wattage version that is designed more for good battery life rather than performance. If you want the good i5s then get one that end with a M, example i5-4200M etc.

The R7 265 is a brand new GPU so not much information is on it (in terms of fps in games) but what is known is that its a version based of the same chip as the HD 8750M, so you can expect about the same performance between the two, though I would go with the R7 265 (I like the HD 8750M GDDR5 version but the laptop you listed features the DDR3 version)

The RAM can be easily upgrade/updated as you see fit so dont worry about that, the same can apply for HDD but I prefer to not...
I would chose the A10 over the i5 (just looking at CPU performance), as that particular i5 is a low wattage version that is designed more for good battery life rather than performance. If you want the good i5s then get one that end with a M, example i5-4200M etc.

The R7 265 is a brand new GPU so not much information is on it (in terms of fps in games) but what is known is that its a version based of the same chip as the HD 8750M, so you can expect about the same performance between the two, though I would go with the R7 265 (I like the HD 8750M GDDR5 version but the laptop you listed features the DDR3 version)

The RAM can be easily upgrade/updated as you see fit so dont worry about that, the same can apply for HDD but I prefer to not to change those as much but both can be swapped when you want without much trouble

They are similar indeed...but overall the AMD might be a better value with the other components, but notice that neither are really "Gaming" laptops, you should be able to play at low to med settings on most games

I didnt take the 3rd laptop into consideration

Thank you very much, I understand there not exactly gaming computers, but for the money I cant find anything better than those 2. Really I was just looking for a laptop just to play movies on n what not, so originally i was only going to spend like 400-500, but I realized for a little bit more I could actually play some games. and for 600 I cant find anything better than these 2. I think I could play starcraft 2 on them dont you think?
I was leaning towards the A10 one as well, and thank you for clarifying the difference in i5 cpus, I was kind of guessing it was a weaker one but wasnt sure. Having the new R7 265 though kind of put me in a bind as I wish the one with the A10 had the newer GPU, but some people are saying the 8750m is better anyway. Sadly doesnt have the GDDR5, but like I said for 600 or less I cant find anything nearly as good and Ive been searching everywhere, I think ive seen every laptop between 400-600.
Think Im going with the AMD A10 one, reading a review people were getting 40-60 fps on medium-high setting in battlefield 4. Think I can live with that for a laptop 😀
but I still dont know how good the R7 265 is or actually how good the i5 laptop is compared to the A10.
And i think the i5's memory runs in dual channel, but I dont know if the A10's does. Im guessing it does otherwise thatd be stupid.
Im guessing they are getting those fps in single player not multiplayer, my guess it you can at least play at low in multiplayer

But yea looking around the best Ive seen is a GT 740M (which is a bit better then the two cards listed above) around the $600 price range

Also the RAM shouldnt be a big problem, you can always upgrade the RAM whenever (selling the RAM you get with the laptop then buying a new kit doesnt really cost much $$)
It was an ASUS X55OLB but it features the slower version of the GT 740M (64bit version not the 128bit) upon closer inspection (which would give you weaker performance then the two laptops you brought up actually)