Which smart watches are compatible with new Huawei phones?

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Oct 24, 2018
After having every iPhone from 1 to 7, I am finally taking the step over to Android phones. I am going for the new Huawei Mate 20 Pro.

I am also getting rid of my Apple Watch 3 to get a smart watch that will work with my new Huawei.

After checking several forums, I realized that none of the smart watches (Fitbit, Samsung, Garmin or other Android watches), except for Huawei Watches, supports the latest Huawei phone models, and haven't done that for at least a year.

My question is: are there really no Smart Watches, except Huawei's own, that are compatible with the latest Huawei phones (P20, P10, Mate P10 Pro, Mate P20 Pro and so on)?
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What you say is basically correct however you can use your Huawei phone to link into other watches by using any android app - just not to the built in Huawei health app. I use Garmin Acive HR and the Garmin Connect app on my Huawei P20 Pro. That links my watch into my Phone and on to Strava and myfitnesspal. You can do the same with Samsung smartwatches into Samsung Health or Ware OS watches into Google Fit. You will get all the notifications etc. As I say what you can't do is use anything other than Huawei watches to link into Huawei Health app.

Good luck with this. I have only just discovered that my new Huawei P20 lite wont work with my Fitbit Versa (only purchased in September!). After several emails with Fitbit they have now said

Hi Karen,

We'll be more than glad to continue assisting you with this matter.

We'd like to share with you that After extensive testing, we have determined that your device is not compatible with Fitbit products. To find more information about incompatible devices, see http://help.fitbit.com/articles/en_US/Help_article/2315/. We apologize for any inconveniences that this situation may caused you. In the meantime we recommend you to try with a different device. Thank you very much for your patience. It is a honor to have you as loyal Fitbit family member.

Keep in mind that we are always happy to assist you.

If you have any other inquiry or question, please don't hesitate and let us know, we will be more than glad to provide you the service and the help you deserve.

Cristian.M and the Fitbit Team

I really don't know what to do for the best now? Sell my Versa? I don't really like the look of the Huawei smartwatches, have been looking at the Huawei Band 3 Pro Fitness Wristband Activity Tracker but the reviews really aren't that great and choice appears really limited. I don't need an all singing and all dancing tracker, I do cycle and would like to check my progress and like the sleep tracker and want something waterproof. Why is life so complicated eh! Let me know what you decide on?


Hi PMitchell,
Does it record your heart rate still and transfer into Strava?


I am also looking for a smartwatch. Samsung Galaxy Watch is awesome !
But the seller also told me it"s no use buying this watch when using a huawei smartphone
(i still have the p9, but its an overall problem with huawei that they have compatibilty issues with other brands)
Some things will work, others won't. Anyway : they cannot guarantee that you can benefit for 100% from the things your smartwatch is able to do

Advice that I got :
1) buy other smartphone and smartwatch from same brand
2) Keep with huawei smartwatch of try a garmin sportswatch (that should normally work)

I think I'm going to give my smartphone to my daughter (her first phone, good enough) and buy myself a samsung :)
Good luck

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