Which Windows for Minecraft? 7 or 8?


Dec 2, 2013
I'm stumped! Most of the Cyber Deals all have 8. I've been told to stay away from 8.. Dell actually charges an additional $50 to downgrade to 7? Should I go with the flow or pay a little more for Win7?
SADLY, performance improves for many applications CODED for Windows 8, then for Windows 7. Some games (hit and miss) IMPROVE in performance in W8 over W7 (google Windows 7 vs 8 gaming to see for yourself). Windows 8 is created and best used by devices with touch screens, using a Keyboard Mouse just plain sucks bad and 'interferes' with the new UI. I personally dislike it, but 8.1 Service Pack is 'supposed' to rectify alot of this. Personally I am still hesitant, but know any future system will be 'coded' for Windows 8 no matter what (drivers only work in W8, applications only work 'properly' in W8, etc.).