White spot on laptop display


Dec 14, 2016
I've recently discovered that my laptop's display has a weird white spot on the upper right area.
I really don't know where the spot came from. The laptop didn't receive any hits at all.
I must mention that I started carrying my laptop to school since I have important projects and it makes it easier for me to access them.
What do you think the problem might be?
It looks like it covers multiple pixels, though there's nothing in the image to provide a proper reference for the size we are looking at (like the edge of the display or keyboard), so it's difficult to tell for sure. Maybe something got closed inside the laptop, and pressed against the screen.
It actually is bigger than just one pixel, and it only shows on darker shades (grey/black). I would approximate that the size of the spot is around 1mm in length and 2mm in width. And I can also see a couple of redish pixels in and around it (maybe they can be seen in the picture).
The screen itself seems fine, no scratches or dents near the spot. But that sounds like something that could have happened.
I've also tried different "stuck pixel fixers" but unfortunately no luck. So I guess my best shot would be to contact some servicing company hoping that it's something fixable.. I don't really want to replace the screen.
I'll look more into it, thanks for the suggestions.

Here's another photo with the screen's edges.
It's in the top right area and it's much more visible in reality.