Who are these people?


Jun 26, 2001
Hello....I'm new to this section of THGC:) Could u please introduce yourselves cause I have no idea who anyone is. Why don't u people get out more to the other sections?

If it's working...overclock it!
Well I'm chunka1 and i have only posted a few times here but love read just about any of these topics. kinda new to these computers but will learn:).. Question ever tryed audiogalaxy,audiognome?? trying to build a music collection already have over 800 files always looking for more....

dazed and confused
Use Kazaa- I dl songs casually, and have nearly 2000 MP3's. It has liek everything. The best used to be Napster, but now it'sa pay service🙁

If it's working...overclock it!
Hi, I'm Fat Burger. I'm neither fat nor a burger.

<font color=orange>Quarter</font color=orange> <font color=blue>Pounder</font color=blue> <font color=orange>Inside</font color=orange>
Can you say *cough*free post*cough*?

AMD technology + Intel technology = Intel/AMD Pentathlon IV; the <b>ULTIMATE</b> PC processor
I'm Techie2001. I'm from britian. I'm completely mad and know very little about anything to do with anything. I am very knowledgeable about nothing which also happens to be my special subject.

<font color=purple><b>Techie2001</font color=purple></b>
<i>(Forum Techie)</i>
If it aint broke,Dont fix it. :wink:
That I do. I have lovely hands.

<font color=purple><b>Techie2001</font color=purple></b>
<i>(Forum Techie)</i>
If it aint broke,Dont fix it. :wink:
Hmm.. does that come from putting plenty of lotion on them at night.. and in the morning.. and sometimes during lunch?

<b>If you make a sytem that even an idiot can use, only an idiot will use it!!</b>

<font color=purple><b>Techie2001</font color=purple></b>
<i>(Crazy Alien)</i>
If it ain't broke, Don't fix it. :wink:
Use your imagination. Just cos I'm single dosn't mean I can't have a bit of fun.

Hmmm lubricated hooters. :)

<font color=purple><b>Techie2001</font color=purple></b>
<i>(Crazy Alien)</i>
If it ain't broke, Don't fix it. :wink:

<font color=purple><b>Techie2001</font color=purple></b>
<i>(Crazy Alien)</i>
If it ain't broke, Don't fix it. :wink:
Why are you and flamethrower always so horny?

AMD technology + Intel technology = Intel/AMD Pentathlon IV; the <b>ULTIMATE</b> PC processor