i have more than 5 'puters at home.... not because i'm rich, but because a) i hate throwing stuff b) i take care of them, so they grow REALLy old , lol.
now that i've got that out of the way, i dont have ny difficultys in exporting on any format , any media from itunes on any of my machines. there are some complications when i want to get music from my ipod (mico 4gb) to a hdd(technically impossible, WAIT! nothing is impossible for a bored geek!!).... actutally is quite easy. Just copy the 'hidden' (hehehe) music files from said ipod to hdd (thru explorer).
problem: only itunes will read the music file names correctly ( but is that a problem?)
AND i've heard of plug ins for itunes to export files from a folder within the ipod to hdd ( i still need to check that one, has anybody seen or heard of it)
my concerns are more in the lines of craftmanship and materials that apple uses. I paint regulary, and i've noticed that the soft skined plastics are prone to get affected by my colors that i used (water based)
my ipod seems to attract ALOT of unwanted grime... must be the flashy whites and the spotless grays...
Appart from those, the metallic outershell is fine, battery life is fine.
i know that replacement will cost me a bundle, but for those of use who are always with thier noses in a pc, will it really be that hard to change? getting a battery might prove hard ( HA
) changing it, i doubt it...
as for a small story, last night, just outside my fitness club i saw a nano die. It got wedged in a jacket pocket , the guy pulled, and crack, screen when dead ( nice cristal liquid art splash on screen)... sad really, AMEN!
Why bother DrCroubie? , cos CDs are expensive, and they break, scratch, burn out way way to easily. coming from a vinyl listening crowd , i revere my 'disks' like the air i breath, sadly most people i know do not have a vinyl trained upbringing, which makes me go balistic when they 'forget' to put cds back into thier boxes, covers or what ever. so mp3 are a decent way to protect your hard earned music when u spend 120€ a week on music u sort of go psyco when a 'friend' scratches a cd... u know what would make me even more mad. losing my hdd with all those cds in mp3 format. time to burn some dvds ^^