M_S, if you know that the Ipod has native gapless playback, why not test it on your Ipod. Buy a copy of Dark Side of the Moon, Animals, or The Wall. Rip it with EAC in LAME 3.97b2 mp3 at any preferred quality. Now, import these files to Itunes (and don't join, that wouldn't be native), place the files in your Ipod, and finally play the album. Now, is the Ipod gapless natively? I would guess not since it is apparent that gaps will be there.
Oh God, now we need to get you a definition for native...
I guess when you are beat the only thing to do is step back and modify what you said originally to fit the criteria I put forth. Now it's a pain to choose a menu option to join tracks? Yes I have "The Wall" in iTunes I don't own an iPod, (but have purchased many for family and friends) and don't need to own one to tell you that "The Wall", which I ripped with joined tracks, plays with no gaps. You are mincing words and definitions to form to your view of what "gapless" should mean.
What part of "without gaps" does not equal "gapless"?
You understand what you are saying as do I, but those that are perhaps not quite as informed would read what you said and say "Oh, it must be impossible to play back any audio intended to be without gaps properly on the iPod"
Now that I have brought it up, you and others are starting to clarify your positions (only slighty), but before that you and the original author mislead the reader.
BTW, I recieved my B.A., with major/minor in music, in audio engineering from an accredited university. I just might be considered an "expert" as well.
An expert Troller maybe...
You are arguing semantics, they are talking about terminology pertaining to a specific object.
Yes "Gapless" in the dictionary simply means without gaps, but in the world of music players it has come to mean the transition between tracks without noticable pause.
You are in the wrong and are either too proud to admit it, or are intentionally trying to instigate.
It is not I arguing semantics, it is the other two (and now you) trying to fit a concise deifintion for your own purposes.
First of all "gapless" is not in the dictionary, but that's nitpicking on my part. I am using the definition as put forth by M-W and what you say it has "come to mean", as a transition between tracks w/o pause. In trying to make a point you have screwed it all up. Perhaps beacause you did not read the posts in their entirety as I suggested to others? If you did read them, maybe we have a comprehension problem.
Your opinion that I am wrong is blinded by your failure to read along and follow the story. I am not trying to instigate, only to keep those who read these posts for information from making incorrect judgments based on incomplete fact and failed opinion.
p.s. Again tell me how tracks that are joined and therefore without gaps not "gapless"?