Ad hominem attack if there ever was one!
I did a web backgroung check on this clearly envious author. Guess what?
He's AKA the CEO of Creative!
Go figure!
What did I learn by reading this screed?
So what, who cares, big deal! Been there, done that!
21th century industrial design?
Arguably, nothing beats Apple's industrial design, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!
Seemless ease of use?
Arguably, nothing beats Apple products ease of use, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!
Scratched nano?
Those who live by the bleeding edge, die by the bleeding edge! In case anyone really cares, go to appleinsider and look up my many posts on said subject matter. Bottom line? Sometimes, people can be INCREDIBLY STUPID! Hint, hint!
Who's that person behind the curtain? I guess nobody remembers the Reebok craze? Too young perhaps? Bottom line, 99+ percent of those who own iPods will never read this article, and guess what? They don't give a rat's ass!
So enough of my own screed and ad hominem attack, enough of my rude tude dude. Just call it PAYBACK!
It's NOT about thinking different, it IS about thinking critically!
Not 1337
So you don't care about the industry raping CDs with such limitations, you don't care that music will have its limits? You don't care about the current CC-CD issue and how the industry is sh!tting on people's rights? DRM is a major issue, if companies started releasing rootkits (ala Sony) or CC-CDs, it would be a big issue. Right now, the process of ripping CDs to the computer whether through EAC, Itunes, Audiograbber, CDParanoia, dBPowerAmp, and etc. is being challenged as whether that is violating Fair Use rights by the RIAA. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't like to be limited when it comes to the buying of products and how I use them.
As with the ease of use arguments, Itunes sucks, I don't know how you find it easy. As a person who has explored many difficult software (aka trying to install ATI drivers on Linux
😉 ), I would claim that Itunes is bloatware, it's horrible. Oh, and on the design part of the Nano, I don't know why someone would want a screen so small or a device so thin. It's useless to me, it's too thin, I could snap it in freaking half! 21st Century Design indeed. I would agree with you on that because product life is limited these days (ie. Plasma TVs die, LCD Projection lamps burn out). I have an RCA TV that's 18 years old, I play Xbox on it, it works. My Panasonic LCD Projection TV broke, hmmm...I wonder. 21st Century Design indeed! Oh, and you aren't bleeding edge, you are very behind on the awareness of DRM it seems.
I've never been too bothered by the ipod or by people telling me who had one how great it was, or by the fancy advertisements.
My solution??? It starts with the little i as well.
When I first saw these ipaqs for sale running windows media player I realised that this would be a great portable music device.
That was AGES before ipods were even around.
Last year I finally made the plunge and got an ipaq.
I loaded my music onto a nice 1GB SD card.
It plays nice. It plays loads of music. And I can use my own headphones.
I don't need any special software for it. I can play any mp3 or wma song I like. There's no DRM to worry about.
But it's what it can do OUTSIDE of playing music that makes my ipaq the coolest.
You see I got the now unavailable H6315 iPAQ.
It works as a PDA, giving me a calendar, address book, and all that other handy stuff.
I can read powerpoint files, read and create word files, excel spreadsheets.
I use it to get my work email without even touching a PC.
I can even IM with all my buddies around the world.
Oh, did I forget that I can also use it as a phone???
Did I forget that I can also play back widescreen video with this device??? I can actually store 4-5 full length movies on a single 1GB stick.
It even lets me play games like scrabble and monopoly if I am really bored...
Or just browse the web.
And it wakes me up every morning, tells me when I need to pay my bills, and keeps all my important info at hand.
Sure, its bigger than the nano, but the battery is replaceable, and my 4200mAh battery gives me all day playback for music and video.
Not to plug HP or anybody else affiliated with this device, but is there really anything out there that can do all of the above while still being a great music (and video) player??? I don't think so.
So, there's my two cents worth as far as ipods are and having a great portable music player.
Any/All Comments Welcome!
Oh really? I didn't know that iPAQs were crap, any evidence as to why? Or is that flaming I smell.
Behind on DRM? I DON"T THINK SO!
But then again, I own ALL my digital music content, bought and paid for!
And I buy mostly used CD's. Why? It's cheap!
No ITMS for me, thank you!
I don't consort with traderz, and I don't RIP content. I'll leave the heavy lifting to those guys, seeing as I'm just a leech!
Rootkit? Shmootkit! If it's there, and I can't get it to my (unscratched and never going to snap) nano, I WON"T BUY IT! It's just that simple! Sorry, but there's just nothing out there that's "To die for."
Like I said, one word, REEBOK! You ( and a few precentage points) might care, but the vast, vast majority of people "Don't give a rat's ass!" Sad, but true.
As for the Ipaq comment, I reached 3000th degree Grandmaster Smack Fu status, AT AGE 8! The article that predicated this thread is nothing other than such. As are most of the post's in this thread! What else would one expect from "PeeCee Geek Central?"
And I just caught me a whopper!