Whole house speaker system with no sound system.


May 17, 2014
My niece bought a home with the whole house wired with speakers in each room. Unfortunately the owner to the system to run it. There are several sets of blue cables coming from the walls with black and red wires. What does she need to make it operational and how is it hooked up.

how it is hooked up will depend on who installed it and where the wires go to, which you will need to find out. Trial and error is your best bet. With a multimeter set to the Ohm selector you can find out which wires are connected to speakers, but without seeing how many wires and knowing how many speakers you dont know if each speaker is connected individually to pairs of wires, or if they are in some kind of series/paralell arrangement. Once you know...
If the number of wires corresponds to the number of speakers then your need to determine which cable goes to which speaker. You can do this with a "toner" which injects a small signal that will make a sound in the speaker. You can also connect a AAA battery to each pair of cables. This will make the speakers move but will be hard to spot if you cannot see the speaker, The other option is to connect a receiver to each pair of wires. This will identify the speakers so they can be connected.
Is there an in wall volume control in each room that has speakers? Most people will want to control at least the volume of each room. You can connect a sufficiently powerful receiver with a speaker selector. If you want each room to be a separate zone you can do a system like Sonos which will allow access to internet music and be controlled by smartphones. tablets, and computers.
If this stuff is not your thing I would suggest you get a local audio installer to check it out and suggest the best way to get it running at the budget you have.



how it is hooked up will depend on who installed it and where the wires go to, which you will need to find out. Trial and error is your best bet. With a multimeter set to the Ohm selector you can find out which wires are connected to speakers, but without seeing how many wires and knowing how many speakers you dont know if each speaker is connected individually to pairs of wires, or if they are in some kind of series/paralell arrangement. Once you know which wires are going to speakers, you can use any amplifier/stereo to test each one and where it goes to, then get the correct device as explained in the above posts to hook it all up. Let us kow how many wires exactly and how many speakers exactly and it will give you a starting point as to how its wired.