Why a CLD-D704 is better than a DVL-919 ..



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It was suggested (in the DVL-919 vs LD-S9) thread that to just avoid the
cost of the LD-S9 all together and get a D704 at a fraction of the cost
and still improve upon the DVL-919. I'm curious, why is that? Both
CLD-D704 and DVL-919 have AC-3 RF, PCM digital and flipping capability.
The DVL can play CDs and DVDs, while the CLD can play CDs. The CLD-D704
also has a shuttle on the illuminated remote while the DVL-919 has a very
basic remote.

Any other points?
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> So the D704 has a 'sharper, less noisey picture'? Someone said the only
> difference between the LD-S9 and the D704 was the 'disc clamp' on the
> S9 was bigger (and therefore wasn't designed to play CDs). However, I
> thought the major difference was the comb filter shared with the X0 and
> X9?

You really need to improve your reading skills instead of trying to
bumptiously stagger your way into this newsgroup like a drunken

That "someone" that you are refering to is Kurtis Bahr, probably one of
the most knowledgeable people in this newsgroup. IIRC, he said that
when using the COMPOSITE OUTPUT that there was no difference between
the S9 and the D704. When using S-VIDEO instead, the S9 will look much
better with most analog CRT TVs. However, if you are going to hook the
player up to an HDTV, chances are that the comb filter on the HDTV will
be better than even the S9's (now dated) comb filter and you might as
well use the composite output -- therefore, the advantage of the S9
over the D704 would be totally lost.

I hope that this is now PERFECTLY clear to you.

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"RED MARTIAN" <martians@sdf.lNoOnSePsAtMar.org> wrote in message
> It was suggested (in the DVL-919 vs LD-S9) thread that to just avoid
> the
> cost of the LD-S9 all together and get a D704 at a fraction of the
> cost
> and still improve upon the DVL-919. I'm curious, why is that? Both
> CLD-D704 and DVL-919 have AC-3 RF, PCM digital and flipping
> capability.
> The DVL can play CDs and DVDs, while the CLD can play CDs. The
> CLD-D704
> also has a shuttle on the illuminated remote while the DVL-919 has a
> very
> basic remote.

Laserdisc playback quality is much more player-dependant than DVD
quality. If you watch the same disc on both machines, you'll see that
the D704 has a sharper, less noisy picture.
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So the D704 has a 'sharper, less noisey picture'? Someone said the only
difference between the LD-S9 and the D704 was the 'disc clamp' on the
S9 was bigger (and therefore wasn't designed to play CDs). However, I
thought the major difference was the comb filter shared with the X0 and
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"unclejr" <watsona@kenyon.edu> wrote in message
> When using S-VIDEO instead, the S9 will look much
> better with most analog CRT TVs. However, if you are going to hook
> the
> player up to an HDTV, chances are that the comb filter on the HDTV
> will
> be better than even the S9's (now dated) comb filter and you might as
> well use the composite output -- therefore, the advantage of the S9
> over the D704 would be totally lost.

You'd be amazed at how many HDTVs don't have 3D comb filters, much less
*good* 3D comb filters. Most HDTVs are optimized for DVD and HD
playback, with the quality of analog composite video sources an
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unclejr <watsona@kenyon.edu> wrote:
>You really need to improve your reading skills instead of trying to
>bumptiously stagger your way into this newsgroup like a drunken

Arrrgh .. thar she blows...

>That "someone" that you are refering to is Kurtis Bahr, probably one of
>the most knowledgeable people in this newsgroup.

I'm sorry, Mr. Bahr said it. I'm grateful for his response as I am
grateful for Mr. Zyber's 'askjosh' LD resource.

>I hope that this is now PERFECTLY clear to you.

Actually it isn't, which is why I keep downing vodka shots and posting
to the group offending those who are long in the tooth. The reason why
it is not clear is that even though the Mitsubishi PD-5030 has a Motion
Adaptive 3D Y/C comb filter I get a better, substaintially sharper,
brighter and clearer picture when running the DVL-919 from the S-Video
port than I do the composite port. I enjoy the quality picture I get
even though it less than rivals a DVD player, but I don't have that
many DVDs. And so I just wonder about the D704 and the LD-S9 and if
I can improve things even further. I guess what I really should do is
just buy a CLD704 and an LD-S9 and decide for myself. I guess the idea
of posting was sort of have a discussion, amongst the spammers, and
maybe see if someone has already done what I'll probably end up doing.
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"RED MARTIAN" <martians@sdf.lNoOnSePsAtMar.org> wrote in message
> The reason why
> it is not clear is that even though the Mitsubishi PD-5030 has a
> Motion
> Adaptive 3D Y/C comb filter I get a better, substaintially sharper,
> brighter and clearer picture when running the DVL-919 from the S-Video
> port than I do the composite port.

If the 919's S-video gives you better results than composite on your TV,
the LD-S9 will be substantially better still. Its comb filter produces
amazing colors.

I believe the 704 has the same comb filter as the 919, but it's picture
should be sharper and less noisy.
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Joshua Zyber <jzyber@mind-NOSPAM-spring.com> wrote:
>If the 919's S-video gives you better results than composite on your TV,
>the LD-S9 will be substantially better still. Its comb filter produces
>amazing colors.

Your 'askjosh' page goes into great detail on both the 704 and S9 .. then
when it gets to the point of mention DVLs it just says "avoid them" .. I
found much of your advice very helpful and I appreciate the work you put
into that document.

>I believe the 704 has the same comb filter as the 919, but it's picture
>should be sharper and less noisy.

Is part of the noise generated by the fact that the 919 would have a smaller
clamp for playing DVDs? The CLD might have the same .. at any rate, it
looks like selling the DVL-919 for a fair price is possible. What I'm
probably going to do is just skip over the idea of getting a 704 and just
get the S9 .. I've been checking the Japanese market and its, surprisingly,
roughly the same prices we see here.. it might be slightly cheaper in USD,
but of course that fluctuates daily ;-)
Stephen M Jones -=- ..!seas.smu.edu!lenti!sdf!smj
-=- SDF Public Access UNIX System -=-
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"Stephen Jones" <smj@sdf.lNoOnSePsAtMar.org> wrote in message
> Is part of the noise generated by the fact that the 919 would have a
> smaller
> clamp for playing DVDs? <

The larger clamp helps to prevent disc slippage. The 704/79/99 series is
notorious for the clamping mechanism getting dirty and causing the discs
to slip. This doesn't really have anything to do with noisy picture
quality, though. If the clamp slips, the disc will not spin up properly.
The effect will be quite obvious. Either it won't play at all, or if it
does play and begins to slip the laser will lose tracking and you'll get
very blatant crosstalk and/or skipping. This is fortunately something
you can clean yourself, but it is a nuisance.

The noisier picture of the 919 has more to do with the fact that its LD
playback section is based on a lower-end player than the 704 and is
simply not as good.

> What I'm
> probably going to do is just skip over the idea of getting a 704 and
> just
> get the S9 ..

That's a decision only you can make. I am quite happy with my S9, but I
also have a serious investment in my laserdisc collection. If the hobby
is not as much of a priority to you, the 704 is a very reasonable