why is my laptop generating heat while im charging and palying at the ame time is it normal

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It is completely normal for your laptop to generate heat whilst in use.
It is completely normal for your laptop battery to generate heat whilst being charged.
It is completely normal for your laptop to generate even more heat when it is being used AND charged at the same time.

Ultimately as something is used, it generates more heat, whilst you are charging, you are also using the adaptor and the battery, therefore generating more heat. As long as it doesn't get to the point where it is VERY hot, there is no problem. Just ensure your temperatures stay below manufacturers guidelines.
It is completely normal for your laptop to generate heat whilst in use.
It is completely normal for your laptop battery to generate heat whilst being charged.
It is completely normal for your laptop to generate even more heat when it is being used AND charged at the same time.

Ultimately as something is used, it generates more heat, whilst you are charging, you are also using the adaptor and the battery, therefore generating more heat. As long as it doesn't get to the point where it is VERY hot, there is no problem. Just ensure your temperatures stay below manufacturers guidelines.

49 degrees is completely normal. Your laptop (which contains a i3-6006U I believe) can operate at much higher temperatures. You can likely operate up to 80 degrees under stress and still be fine.

And yes, removing the battery and plugging into the wall should allow the laptop to work fine, as it will power the lapop directly, without recharging the battery. Obviously it will then also immediately shutdown upon adaptor removal.
Question from elmarreyes66 : "laptops games charging"

It may charge more slowly with the laptop pulling more power for itself, but it's fine for the laptop/battery. Yes, periods of intense power draw from the battery actually decrease its lifespan.
Question from moymoynagbabato : "laptop baterry and charging questions"


Nobody can answer how long it will last. But we can say that charging while gaming is completely safe and i suspect your battery would last longer while gaming and charging as oppsoed to playing soleyl on battery.

edit - If you want to keep temps down as much as possible then by all means plug in power and take out battery. But the temps stated above are perfectly acceptable.
That's fine to do.

To be brutally honest, you can't actually get away from 'harming the battery'. It's like any battery, the more you use it, the shorter it's life span is. But honestly, gaming whilst charging is perfectly fine, and every laptop owner does it. There is no need to worry.
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