Why is my laptop unable to play games?


Dec 1, 2014
I just bought a laptop computer, an Asus R510L Notebook. Here are the specs:

CPU: Intel i5-4210U @ 1.70GHz
GPU: Intel HD 4400
Memory: 500 GB
Windows version 8.1

In a video I saw on YouTube, the person was able to run games such as Call of Duty, Need for Speed, and Assassins Creed all at 30 frames per second, and they could run Minecraft at 100 frames per second. When I try to play Minecraft, I am only ever able to get 30 FPS if I am lucky.

How come my computer is not running to its full potential?
Is there anything I can do to improve performance before I download other games besides Minecraft?

Thank you in advance for replying.

Minecraft is more onto RAM usage. Make sure you're only running Minecraft. And try setting some of your settings down. It's a Bit game. And personally, I don't mind about graphics. I play everything in medium to normal. But yah. try RAM usage. Is your RAM 1333MHz or 1600?

RAM is 1600MHz
vsync is ***** developed ages ago for CRT TVs which prolonges horizontal synchronization through enitre length of scan line.. pretty sick huh?
It was developed to prevent screen tearing but as a side effect caps the refresh rate (also framerate) which is really welcomed for fluid performance when it comes to watching tv shows/movies but when it comes to gaming it can and will cap your framerate to 15/30/60 FPS. Now the side effects of this: lower power consumption, no screen tearing if one's monitor suffering from this, but not as fluid performance,especially in first person perspective games, more precisely FPS games like CoD you mentioned, in those games when you ain't have high end tech just drop settings below your capabilities.. to like low or so, turn Vsync off to have fluid and competitive performance,as for Assasin's Creed I'm personally going with Vsync off to keep damn pixels together.