Will Asus U47A-RS51 run Diablo 3 and Path of Exile?


Jan 31, 2013

I am looking for a new laptop to do some light gaming on as well as everyday use. The only games I plan on spending much time on are D3 and Path of Exile.

My first option is this: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834230648

And another: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834158138

The obvious perks of the first one is the low price. I know the second choice is a better, faster, more powerful laptop, but if I can save $200 and still get a decent laptop I would like to.

Any advice is greatly appreciated! Thanks!

Thanks derza10! I think I am going to go with the lenovo. Your advice was greatly appreciated!

Not a bad laptop. I like Lenovo.

You may wish to get a Desktop monitor when your budget permits. Laptop screens are horrible for gaming (poor viewing angle).

You would use the HDMI output from the laptop (HDMI->DVI recommended). For AUDIO, you can just use desktop speakers and use the headphone jack output (will automatically MUTE the onboard sound when the cable's attached).

*At the very least, I recommend getting some inexpensive desktop speakers. Even some $30 speakers will be a huge improvement.

Also good advice photonboy, thanks! I have a few plans that hinge on how much money I have, and a monitor and speakers are definitely up there.

NP, glad I could help.