Laptop's about six months old, came with Windows 10, quickly found out user wants to go back to Windows 7 x64. There were issues finding drivers but everything has been and installed and appears to be working properly, except wifi driver. Because the wifi wasn't working we replaced the wifi module with one that works with Win 7. However, ever since that we have found that unit will no longer turn on under its own battery power. Off or on, if power cable is connected the charging light is lit. With the power cable connected we are able to load into Windows and everything appears to be working correctly. Battery icon indicates plugged in and charging at 77% capacity but does not increase or decrease. Even though it says 77% capacity if you disconnect charger unit will turn off.
Need to get this taken care of quickly. Does anyone have any ideas?
Have done some research referring to this: http/ Thinking of trying BIOS update. Any other ideas?
Picture provided: Out of curiosity, pins in cable were tested. Appears to be charging fine from the board. http/
Need to get this taken care of quickly. Does anyone have any ideas?
Have done some research referring to this: http/ Thinking of trying BIOS update. Any other ideas?
Picture provided: Out of curiosity, pins in cable were tested. Appears to be charging fine from the board. http/