Thank you for this opportunity Tom's Guide!! The xbox one would go in the place of my old ps3.
here is the image of my little gaming space. http/
Here is my gaming set up. I've been playing the original xbox 360 for many many years. Its treated me well but its definitely time I upgrade to a next gen console. It would be absolutely amazing if I could win the xbox one bundle. I love the Assassin's Creed series and I love Call of Duty too! I wanted to get the xbox one for Christmas but I couldn't afford it and I still can't. So it would be mean so much if you picked me. Thanks for the opportunity!
I have a small studio apartment and modest income. My launch model Xbox 360 hasn't skipped a beat for years but has recently succumbed to the red ring of death. It would be amazing to win this competition and get my gaming back on the go. http/
Here it is. My living room. I have been dieing to get an xbox one sence it released. Big shout out to you guys at anytime I need help with something I always check tomsguide first. Thanks
Hi Tom's Guide! Thanks for the chance to win. The old xbox 360 isn't looking too sharp these days, I'd love the chance to add something new next to it! http/
Thanks everyone! Your setups look great! We're going to lock this thread now and pick winners today. We'll get in contact with the randomly selected winner via private message soon. Keep an eye on your inboxes, and stay active on the Tom's Guide forums! We love that you're here!