windows 7 acer laptop won't start. startup repair and f8 do not work.

Marissa S

Nov 9, 2014
The computer is only partially backed up. I have a feeling the hard drive is faulty but I'm not sure. Any suggestions?

basically i turn it on, and the screen tell me to either run startup repair or to load with normal settings. both options result in the computer not fully starting up.
If it takes a long time for a desktop to get into windows. Once you connect it, its probably faulty. It may not even get into windows if it has probs reading the hdd

So did you try it? What happened? I'm having the same trouble but with windows 8. Also acer laptop.
i know this is over a year old now but the hard drive was damaged beyond repair and we lost a lot of stuff. the moral of this story is to back up your files periodically!