Windows 7 isnt getting the drivers I need for some usb devices?


Dec 26, 2011
I have a kindle fire and when I plug it in the laptop beeps and it know it has been added, but when I go to my computer it doesnt show anything and when I got to control panel and devices it is therebut needs troubleshooting and then I troubleshoot and it finds nothing, this happens to some usb flash drives aswell any ideas what to do? My pc mouse works in 2 of the 4 ports the kindle works in none. the kindle does light up but isnt charged.
Hello leemurta;

Laptop make and model? Are you running on battery or off the AC adapter?

The Kindle Fire is a USB device and does not need any additional driver.
Are you sure you the Kindle doesn't show up as an extra drive letter in Computer?

The wall charger that comes with the Fire provides 1.8A of current, while USB 2.0 ports only provide .5A & .9A for USB 3.0 ports. It will charge, very slowly, if you turn the Kindle Fire off. Otherwise it's using power for operation faster than the USB port can provide extra power for charging the battery.

Hi thanks for the reply, the laptop is a samsung r580, I am running off AC power with the battery plugged out, the kindle does not appear as an extra letter, the pc does beep and I got to control panel and can find it under devices but it says it needs troubleshooting and this does nothing. when I plug it in by usb the light on the kindle does not come on like it does on my desktop and it is also not the wire, the same problem happens with some usb flash drives. I have no idea what the problem is.
Since you know the Fire is working normally on the desktop PC it's starting to sound more like a problem with the USB ports on the R580.
Im starting to think this is a hardware problem and maybe not a Windows 7 issue.


As I said in first post there is 4 ports and its weird the 2 on the right side don't work whereas the 2 on the left do, I have tried my computer mouse in them, in the two that dont work the mouse lights up but doesnt seem to be recognized, and of course I have been trying the kindle in the ones that work for the mouse. Its as if the other 2 are disabled or something but it doesn't explain why some things dont work in the other ports, just something to note my mouse uses a razer dedicated driver, so I taught maybe thats why not sure :heink: