Ok I have ASUS FM A55-M CSM MOTHER Board and I recently put on 8.1 windows and i have tried to down grade back to windows 7..I have tried to win2flash windows 7 to usb dvd/cd Tool to try a usb boot up windows 8 just by passes it just like it does when i use my windows 7 disk..Now i have looked on the net and it tells me to go to secure boot in my bios and click the secure boot to disable it...Asus has the secure boot and it is disabled and it still will not let me get pass the windows7 Language page it shuts down my comp and freezes my Keyboard also shuts down and of course my mouse will not work either.. ez mode sux so does the advance mode in the bios can someone tell me what i need to do inorder to put windows 7 on my comp ty...I also bought a 2 tg hard drive and i can't even use it cause something in bios is refusing me to boot up on my windows 7 disc