Windows movie maker question


Jun 26, 2010
ok im trying to combine 2 fraps videos in move maker heres what i did i put the first one in and then clicked add additional videos and put the 2nd one in then saved it and i had my one long video the problem is where the first one ends and the 2nd one begins there's this half a second little lag spike i guess you could call it where you can tell they where put together. its the same video fraps just split it into two by its self.

now i went back into movie maker and noticed the two movies where still split on the program they where not joined seamlessly.

how can i put these together with no gaps or lagspikes or blurps or whatever you want to call them.
Try dragging both of the video files onto the timeline, select them both at the same time and go to "Clip" in the upper bar. From there you should select "Combine" and that should do the trick.

If not, try taking both clips and place them on the timeline. Then take the clip on the right and drag it to the left. A blue bar should appear, representing an overlay of the videos, and thus removing the gap between the two clips.

Let us know how it goes!
Windows movie maker can be tempermental at times, but try not to let it get to you or even frustrate you! 😀 I would start by teaching yourself how the time lines work, using the combine and copy tools mentioned above.

When dragging clips over one another, an automatic transition area will appear in place of the overlay between the two clips. This transition can be changed from gradual fades to flashes.

Experiment with the different transitions, let us know how it goes!