Windows Phone 7 to Get Multitasking Next

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[citation][nom]bhaberle[/nom]Nice job Microsoft. You guys are implementing changes that took Apple years to accomplish.[/citation]
*grabs popcorn and awaits flame war*

FAIL reason #1: Every other phone platform already has multitasking

FAIL reason #2: Windows Phone still doesn't have it, you must wait another 6-12 months for it

FAIL reason #3: It still won't be true multitasking for 3rd party apps, just a fast switcher

It's bizarre that Microsoft creates fanfare for multitasking, just like it did with Copy & Paste (which most Windows Phones still don't have). Nobody is going to get excited.
[citation][nom]t3ck[/nom]Does anyone else notice the parallel to IOS here?? Microsoft really needs to get their head in the game and start doing things that HAVEN'T been done before.[/citation]

You mean that they should not implement the basics for any smart phone first like multitasking and get it stable/efficient and then start implementing new fresh ideas?

They are implementing the new stuff at a far more rapid pace than most and yet managed to keep it stable, snappy and efficient, imagine what will have happened when they had the same time to develop it compared to the competition. I think they are on the right track and are seriously considering WP7 as my next phone of choice, they proven they are in the game for real this time.
@beta tester

LOL? iPhone? multitasking?????

Those 2 should not even be mentioned in the same line.

I still remember my friend had to use a 3rd party app to enable multitasking on his iphone 3gs and it was not even close to being smooth and back then what were they saying about it again? You don't need to multitask! Rofl

Remember the rainbow spinners?
I'm very excited about win mobile 7. I really think they can really beat Apple just the fact that it will be more open and and you will have hardware choices. It they can keep the headset manufacturers and wireless providers from messing around with the O/S. I really think that what makes Apple so attractive in that their O/S interface hasn't change since the first iphone. If they allow it to get all confusing as with andriod phones making it harder to do updates and no uniformity then it will fail.
[citation][nom]t3ck[/nom]Does anyone else notice the parallel to IOS here?? Microsoft really needs to get their head in the game and start doing things that HAVEN'T been done before.[/citation]
WP7 gave things that hadn't been done before at the point of release, then added the other stuff afterwards
Xbox Live - at release
Office - at release
Obviously you haven't ever used one of these or you would know
[citation][nom]back_by_demand[/nom]WP7 gave things that hadn't been done before at the point of release, then added the other stuff afterwardsXbox Live - at releaseOffice - at releaseObviously you haven't ever used one of these or you would know[/citation]
I've used both and they're awesome.

Also, Live Tiles

Zune Integration (beats out android offerings and is superior to iTunes per numerous reviews)

Unified software development with diversified hardware (android doesn't have it and ios doesn't either)

Not sure what you mean by having copy and paste. I am still waiting on an actual working patch on my Focus. Microsoft assures me it will be sometime in March, no wait early April, oh crap that bricked the phone....
WP7 gave things that hadn't been done before at the point of release, then added the other stuff afterwards

Trash most microSD cards. Don't think any Phone did it better!
[citation][nom]matthelm[/nom]WP7 gave things that hadn't been done before at the point of release, then added the other stuff afterwardsTrash most microSD cards. Don't think any Phone did it better![/citation]
Let's go through the list of iPhone failures then shall we?

- Reception issues, ala "you're holding it wrong"
- Speakerphone and proximity sensor problems
- Yellow strip or blotch on screen
- Periodically won't wake up
- Screen flickering
- Total inability to make a white version as it fubars the camera
- Screen breaks 82% more than the 3GS
- Exploding batteries

This is after having the iPhone in it's 4th incarnation under a total hardware and software control environment over a 4 year period and yet they still can't get it right. Personally I think I could deal with not having copy & paste for the 6 months WP7 has been out as long as my phone didn't turn into a hand grenade or fail to make calls without a damn rubber bumper.
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