can you tell me exactly how many plugs work the speakers? There is the main, orange one that goes from the main speaker (the one with volume control) to I don't know where!
There is a power supply from the main speaker that plugs in (got it? power) an electrical outlet. That line turned on the green light! Ta! Da! This power supply turning on the green light doesn't mean anything because when I turn off and turn on, I don't hear that different non-sound one can recognize as powered on but not functioning.
There is a peach colored plug into the back of the speaker that I've no idea where the other end is, and there is pale green plug back of CPU that I've no idea where the other end of that one is either.
If I had time to unplug everything and lay it out on the floor I know I could figure it out but I'm 70 years old and it will be an all day project. I intend to do just that soon here.
By the way, I still have this extra power supply looking thingy taped to my desk (Heaven forbid it get loose in the tangle).
I can't pick one of you as the best, I'm sorry! You have all been wonderful in your attempts to not only fix my wiring but in touching base with me to remind me you are here.
I have a small business management firm out of my home, thus the shortage of uninterrupted periods of time. Soon! Soon!