womble help needed

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Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.replaytv (More info?)

On Sun, 12 Jun 2005 14:01:06 -0500, "T.B."
<balfour@NOSPAMgrandecom.net> wrote:

>the file i am using needs to be split to fit on two VCDs. what do y'all
>recommend to do this?

MPEG-VCR will do that.

>"Tony D" <nospam@nospam.com> wrote in message
>> T.B. wrote:
>> > actually Mark, I too just had the same problem, using TMPGEnc to
>> > for VCD burning. The audio is all messed up, although it works for
>> > the first 5 minutes of the test I burned. Then it just goes to a
>> > type noise. After that the audio comes back, but is all out of sync.
>> >
>> > What is the difference between Mpeg Video Wizard and MPEG-VCR? I
>> > Video Wizard as i thought it was more suitable for me. Do i need to
>> >
>> > TB in Austin
>> >
>> Wizard just has more features. You should not have used TMPGEnc. Womble
>> auto corrects for some specific Replay error possibilities.
>> And it is also possible to get sync problems if you don't re-assemble
>> clips in REVERSE order as I previously outlined.

Mark Lloyd
has a Replay 5xxx

"The idea that there is an invisible being who
created and still runs this old universe is so
childish, so obviously contrived, that it is hard to
believe anyone with even a modicum of education can
still fall for that scam."


Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.replaytv (More info?)

I tested both MPEG-VCR and MPEG Video Wizard way back when I decided to
purchase, and I ended up paying for Video Wizard. (You get licenses to
both.) I know a lot of people use MPEG-VCR with good results, but I've
found MPEG Video Wizard more user friendly, so I've stuck with it. I'm no
wizard at it, because I don't use it that frequently, so the more intuitive
user interface works better for me. :)



"T.B." <balfour@NOSPAMgrandecom.net> wrote in message
>i too am using Mpeg Video Wizard, as per my original post.
> TB
> "Danny Hobbs" <danhobbs_OutofHere_@valornet.com> wrote in message
> news:V4KdnckwYbyzqjbfRVn-pw@valortelecom.com...
>> "Mark Lloyd" <mlloyd@5xxxmail.com5xxx> wrote in message
>> news:4aula15tf49t5midejdguhj07filoq51et@4ax.com...
>> > On Sat, 11 Jun 2005 00:22:43 -0600, "Danny Hobbs"
>> > <danhobbs_OutofHere_@valornet.com> wrote:
>> >
>> >>> I use that program regularly, and you can edit commercials much more
>> >>> easily than some people think.
>> >>>
>> >>> 1. Move the slider to the beginning of the commercial.
>> >>>
>> >>> 2. Click the "mark in" button (it's an arrow pointing to the left and
>> >>> then up).
>> >>>
>> >>> 3. Move the slider to the end of the commercial.
>> >>>
>> >>> 4. Click the "mark out" button (i.t's an arrow pointing to the right
>> >>> and then up).
>> >>>
>> >>> 5. Click the "cut" button (it's the leftmost of the 3 buttons that
>> >>> look like scissors).
>> >>>
>> >>> The result will not be on disk until you save it. Be sure to use a
>> >>> DIFFERENT filename from the source.
>> >>
>> >>Are you talking about the "Input Window" ?
>> >
>> > I don't know what it's called, but it's the window you get after yoy
>> > open a file.
>> >
>> >>I see a "Mark In" and a "Mark
>> >>Out". I only see two scissors buttons "Trim Left" and "Trim Right".
>> >
>> > I have 3. Those 2 and one immediately to the left of them labeled
>> > "cut" on the line at the bottom. I don't remember having seen only 2
>> > (and I've used it to edit about 700 different shows).
>> >
>> >>Following the other directions I was able to trim from the start of the
>> >>show
>> >>to the first commercial, drag that to the timeline window. Trim from
>> >>the
>> >>end
>> >>of the first commercials to the begining of the second commercials and
>> >>drag
>> >>that to the time line, etc... to the end of the show.
>> >>
>> >>When I tried with the above instructions, I only got the commercials.
>> >>
>> >
>> > You would using one of the "trim" buttons". You use both "mark in" and
>> > "mark out", and then the "cut" button to remove the material between
>> > them.
>> >
>> >>Thanks for your patience with NOOBs. I try not to ask questions without
>> >>reading others posts or the help or FAQ sites.
>> >>
>> >
>> > While replying, I've been trying opening several video files (most
>> > Replay transfers) and have not gotten ANY to show only 2 scissors
>> > buttons. Could you possibly have the wrong version of MPEG-VCR? When I
>> > click on "Help > "About..." the first line I get says "MPEG-VCR V3.14
>> > (MPEG-2) (06/2004)".
>> That may be the diference: MPEG-VCR, I am trying "MPEG Video Wizard".
>> When
>> people speak of "Womble", I went to the web site and thought the "video
>> wizard" is what everyone was using. I will d/l the mpeg-vcr and give it a
>> try.
>> Thanks,
>> >>Danny
>> >>
>> >>
>> >
>> > --
>> > Mark Lloyd
>> > has a Replay 5xxx
>> > http://notstupid.laughingsquid.com
>> >
>> > "The idea that there is an invisible being who
>> > created and still runs this old universe is so
>> > childish, so obviously contrived, that it is hard to
>> > believe anyone with even a modicum of education can
>> > still fall for that scam."


Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.replaytv (More info?)

On Sun, 12 Jun 2005 14:49:16 -0400, Tony D <nospam@nospam.com> wrote:

>T.B. wrote:
>> actually Mark, I too just had the same problem, using TMPGEnc to reencode
>> for VCD burning. The audio is all messed up, although it works for about
>> the first 5 minutes of the test I burned. Then it just goes to a stuttering
>> type noise. After that the audio comes back, but is all out of sync.
>> What is the difference between Mpeg Video Wizard and MPEG-VCR? I purchased
>> Video Wizard as i thought it was more suitable for me. Do i need to get
>> TB in Austin
>Wizard just has more features. You should not have used TMPGEnc. Womble
>auto corrects for some specific Replay error possibilities.
>And it is also possible to get sync problems if you don't re-assemble
>clips in REVERSE order as I previously outlined.

What kind of sync problems? I've removed commercials from about 700
hours of video without doing it that complicated way, and don't seem
to have any sync problems. Could it actually be a defect on a
particular Replay?

Mark Lloyd
has a Replay 5xxx

"The idea that there is an invisible being who
created and still runs this old universe is so
childish, so obviously contrived, that it is hard to
believe anyone with even a modicum of education can
still fall for that scam."


Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.replaytv (More info?)

They are two different programs. Last I read on the Womble web site, they
are putting all their development effort into MPEG Video Wizard. MPEG-VCR
is an older program that gets minimal support ... or so the Womble web site
used to say. (Haven't looked recently, so I don't know.) When I purchased
MPEG Video Wizard, I also received a license key for MPEG-VCR. I'm assuming
Womble still does this, but you might want to check the emails you received
after your purchase, for sure. I tried both programs initially, and
although Video Wizard *looks* more daunting than MPEG-VCR, I found the user
interface to be more intuitive. A little playing around with it, and I was
able to quickly edit out commercials (or front/end matter) and write out an
MPEG suitable for burning to DVD. (I record using "medium" quality and then
use TMPGEnc DVD Author to write and burn the DVD. I've also burned
successfully using Nero.) Haven't had one coaster yet. BTW, that MPEG that
Womble software writes out is standard MPEG format. I've been able to play
it using popular DVD-playing software as well as my Philips DVP642
DVD/Divx/MPEG player.

One other thing, last night I went out to the Philips site to see if there
was a new firmware for my DVP642, and I found that they're no longer posting
firmware *at all.* Strange, eh? The last I got was firmware 1109, a few
months back.



"T.B." <balfour@NOSPAMgrandecom.net> wrote in message
> What is the difference between Mpeg Video Wizard and MPEG-VCR? I
> purchased
> Video Wizard as i thought it was more suitable for me. Do i need to get


Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.replaytv (More info?)

"Mark Lloyd" <mlloyd@5xxxmail.com5xxx> wrote in message
> On Sun, 12 Jun 2005 14:01:06 -0500, "T.B."
> <balfour@NOSPAMgrandecom.net> wrote:
> >the file i am using needs to be split to fit on two VCDs. what do y'all
> >recommend to do this?
> >
> MPEG-VCR will do that.
ok, i have loaded the file and went to the place in the show where i wanted
to cut it and clicked the Cut button.
nothing happened. what am i doing wrong?

what is the difference between cut, trim left and trim right?



Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.replaytv (More info?)

> > >the file i am using needs to be split to fit on two VCDs. what do
> > >recommend to do this?
> > >
> >
> > MPEG-VCR will do that.
> >
> ok, i have loaded the file and went to the place in the show where i
> to cut it and clicked the Cut button.
> nothing happened. what am i doing wrong?
i didn't use mark in/mark out before I used Cut. Doh!


Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.replaytv (More info?)

> >And it is also possible to get sync problems if you don't re-assemble
> >clips in REVERSE order as I previously outlined.
> What kind of sync problems? I've removed commercials from about 700
> hours of video without doing it that complicated way, and don't seem
> to have any sync problems. Could it actually be a defect on a
> particular Replay?

I used TMPGEnc to convert the mpeg I was editing to VCD format. The file
that it created had (to use your words) stuttering after about 5 minutes of
perfectly fine video/audio. I could fast forward past the stuttering part
but when I played anything after that, the video and audio were not synched.
i can't remember if the audio was ahead of the video or vice versa. i
tossed it...

TB in Austin

> --
> Mark Lloyd
> has a Replay 5xxx
> http://notstupid.laughingsquid.com
> "The idea that there is an invisible being who
> created and still runs this old universe is so
> childish, so obviously contrived, that it is hard to
> believe anyone with even a modicum of education can
> still fall for that scam."


Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.replaytv (More info?)

On Mon, 13 Jun 2005 00:31:05 -0500, "T.B."
<balfour@NOSPAMgrandecom.net> wrote:

>> >And it is also possible to get sync problems if you don't re-assemble
>> >clips in REVERSE order as I previously outlined.
>> What kind of sync problems? I've removed commercials from about 700
>> hours of video without doing it that complicated way, and don't seem
>> to have any sync problems. Could it actually be a defect on a
>> particular Replay?
>I used TMPGEnc to convert the mpeg I was editing to VCD format. The file
>that it created had (to use your words) stuttering after about 5 minutes of
>perfectly fine video/audio. I could fast forward past the stuttering part
>but when I played anything after that, the video and audio were not synched.
>i can't remember if the audio was ahead of the video or vice versa. i
>tossed it...

That sounds like the problem I was getting about 20% of the time, when
using TMPGEnc. It never happened after I changed to MPEG-VCR.

There is no need for TMPGEnc when you use MPEG-VCR.

>TB in Austin
>> --
>> Mark Lloyd
>> has a Replay 5xxx
>> http://notstupid.laughingsquid.com
>> "The idea that there is an invisible being who
>> created and still runs this old universe is so
>> childish, so obviously contrived, that it is hard to
>> believe anyone with even a modicum of education can
>> still fall for that scam."

Mark Lloyd
has a Replay 5xxx

"The idea that there is an invisible being who
created and still runs this old universe is so
childish, so obviously contrived, that it is hard to
believe anyone with even a modicum of education can
still fall for that scam."


Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.replaytv (More info?)

"Mark Lloyd" <mlloyd@5xxxmail.com5xxx> wrote in message
> On Mon, 13 Jun 2005 00:31:05 -0500, "T.B."
> <balfour@NOSPAMgrandecom.net> wrote:
> >> >And it is also possible to get sync problems if you don't re-assemble
> >> >clips in REVERSE order as I previously outlined.
> >>
> >> What kind of sync problems? I've removed commercials from about 700
> >> hours of video without doing it that complicated way, and don't seem
> >> to have any sync problems. Could it actually be a defect on a
> >> particular Replay?
> >>
> >
> >I used TMPGEnc to convert the mpeg I was editing to VCD format. The file
> >that it created had (to use your words) stuttering after about 5 minutes
> >perfectly fine video/audio. I could fast forward past the stuttering
> >but when I played anything after that, the video and audio were not
> >i can't remember if the audio was ahead of the video or vice versa. i
> >tossed it...
> >
> That sounds like the problem I was getting about 20% of the time, when
> using TMPGEnc. It never happened after I changed to MPEG-VCR.
> There is no need for TMPGEnc when you use MPEG-VCR.

yes i won't be using it any more...

> >TB in Austin
> >
> >
> >> --
> >> Mark Lloyd
> >> has a Replay 5xxx
> >> http://notstupid.laughingsquid.com
> >>
> >> "The idea that there is an invisible being who
> >> created and still runs this old universe is so
> >> childish, so obviously contrived, that it is hard to
> >> believe anyone with even a modicum of education can
> >> still fall for that scam."
> >
> --
> Mark Lloyd
> has a Replay 5xxx
> http://notstupid.laughingsquid.com
> "The idea that there is an invisible being who
> created and still runs this old universe is so
> childish, so obviously contrived, that it is hard to
> believe anyone with even a modicum of education can
> still fall for that scam."


Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.replaytv (More info?)

"Tony D" <nospam@nospam.com> wrote in message

> When you saved the file, you should got to "video" and select VCD. You
> don't need TMPGEnc.

so i now have a DVD burner, and am using MPEG-VCR to edit out the
commercials. When I am done editing and go to save the file, which option
should I choose to save it in if I will be burning to DVD?

TB in Austin


Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.replaytv (More info?)

"T.B." <balfour@NOSPAMgrandecom.net> wrote in message
> "Tony D" <nospam@nospam.com> wrote in message
> news:Jf6dnd2S-YhSHzHfRVn-3Q@comcast.com...
> >
> > When you saved the file, you should got to "video" and select VCD. You
> > don't need TMPGEnc.
> so i now have a DVD burner, and am using MPEG-VCR to edit out the
> commercials. When I am done editing and go to save the file, which option
> should I choose to save it in if I will be burning to DVD?
according to the HELP I should be using MPEG-2 Program Stream (PS). Is that
correct? Just wanted to be sure...


Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.replaytv (More info?)

T.B. wrote:
> "T.B." <balfour@NOSPAMgrandecom.net> wrote in message
> news:11bf9scjo9dfne0@corp.supernews.com...
>>"Tony D" <nospam@nospam.com> wrote in message
>>>When you saved the file, you should got to "video" and select VCD. You
>>>don't need TMPGEnc.
>>so i now have a DVD burner, and am using MPEG-VCR to edit out the
>>commercials. When I am done editing and go to save the file, which option
>>should I choose to save it in if I will be burning to DVD?
> according to the HELP I should be using MPEG-2 Program Stream (PS). Is that
> correct? Just wanted to be sure...
Yes MPEG-2 is DVD standard


Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.replaytv (More info?)

On Tue, 21 Jun 2005 00:39:24 -0500, "T.B."
<balfour@NOSPAMgrandecom.net> wrote:

>"Tony D" <nospam@nospam.com> wrote in message
>> When you saved the file, you should got to "video" and select VCD. You
>> don't need TMPGEnc.
>so i now have a DVD burner, and am using MPEG-VCR to edit out the
>commercials. When I am done editing and go to save the file, which option
>should I choose to save it in if I will be burning to DVD?
>TB in Austin

MPEG-2 Program Stream. If you're editing a Replay file, that'll be the

Note that MPEG-1 would be used for a VCD.

Mark Lloyd
has a Replay 5xxx

"The idea that there is an invisible being who
created and still runs this old universe is so
childish, so obviously contrived, that it is hard to
believe anyone with even a modicum of education can
still fall for that scam."


Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.replaytv (More info?)

"Mark Lloyd" <mlloyd@5xxxmail.com5xxx> wrote in message
> On Tue, 21 Jun 2005 00:39:24 -0500, "T.B."
> <balfour@NOSPAMgrandecom.net> wrote:
> >
> >"Tony D" <nospam@nospam.com> wrote in message
> >news:Jf6dnd2S-YhSHzHfRVn-3Q@comcast.com...
> >>
> >
> >> When you saved the file, you should got to "video" and select VCD. You
> >> don't need TMPGEnc.
> >
> >so i now have a DVD burner, and am using MPEG-VCR to edit out the
> >commercials. When I am done editing and go to save the file, which
> >should I choose to save it in if I will be burning to DVD?
> >
> >TB in Austin
> >
> MPEG-2 Program Stream. If you're editing a Replay file, that'll be the
> default.
> Note that MPEG-1 would be used for a VCD.
ok, so I have saved the MPG I am working with in the MPEG-2 Program
Stream format. Now I am trying to burn it with Nero.
do I need to author it now with something like DVDit or the like? or
is ready to straight burn to DVD? Nero doesn't seem to like
the file and is forcing me to do UDF, but still won't let me write it
when I select that format...


Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.replaytv (More info?)

"T.B." <balfour@NOSPAMgrandecom.net> wrote in message
> "Mark Lloyd" <mlloyd@5xxxmail.com5xxx> wrote in message
> news:ikagb1t9ra2qtsg70d78u4kq0a36fibnup@4ax.com...
>> On Tue, 21 Jun 2005 00:39:24 -0500, "T.B."
>> <balfour@NOSPAMgrandecom.net> wrote:
>> >
>> >"Tony D" <nospam@nospam.com> wrote in message
>> >news:Jf6dnd2S-YhSHzHfRVn-3Q@comcast.com...
>> >>
>> >
>> >> When you saved the file, you should got to "video" and select VCD. You
>> >> don't need TMPGEnc.
>> >
>> >so i now have a DVD burner, and am using MPEG-VCR to edit out the
>> >commercials. When I am done editing and go to save the file, which
> option
>> >should I choose to save it in if I will be burning to DVD?
>> >
>> >TB in Austin
>> >
>> MPEG-2 Program Stream. If you're editing a Replay file, that'll be the
>> default.
>> Note that MPEG-1 would be used for a VCD.
> ok, so I have saved the MPG I am working with in the MPEG-2 Program
> Stream format. Now I am trying to burn it with Nero.
> do I need to author it now with something like DVDit or the like? or
> is ready to straight burn to DVD? Nero doesn't seem to like
> the file and is forcing me to do UDF, but still won't let me write it
> when I select that format...

While everyone is in a helpful mood, I am having a problem also.

When burning a movie that is 2-3 gigs and less than 2 hours, Roxio estimates
the movie will take 5 gigs of space and require 2 DVDs. Is this a normal
occurance or should I use other DVD burning software?

It would be nice if my DVD player would play MPEG2 files. That way I could
just copy the Movie to the DVD instead of creating a DVD through Roxio.



Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.replaytv (More info?)

On Wed, 22 Jun 2005 00:39:53 -0500, "T.B."
<balfour@NOSPAMgrandecom.net> wrote:

>"Mark Lloyd" <mlloyd@5xxxmail.com5xxx> wrote in message
>> On Tue, 21 Jun 2005 00:39:24 -0500, "T.B."
>> <balfour@NOSPAMgrandecom.net> wrote:
>> >
>> >"Tony D" <nospam@nospam.com> wrote in message
>> >news:Jf6dnd2S-YhSHzHfRVn-3Q@comcast.com...
>> >>
>> >
>> >> When you saved the file, you should got to "video" and select VCD. You
>> >> don't need TMPGEnc.
>> >
>> >so i now have a DVD burner, and am using MPEG-VCR to edit out the
>> >commercials. When I am done editing and go to save the file, which
>> >should I choose to save it in if I will be burning to DVD?
>> >
>> >TB in Austin
>> >
>> MPEG-2 Program Stream. If you're editing a Replay file, that'll be the
>> default.
>> Note that MPEG-1 would be used for a VCD.
> ok, so I have saved the MPG I am working with in the MPEG-2 Program
>Stream format. Now I am trying to burn it with Nero.
> do I need to author it now with something like DVDit or the like? or
>is ready to straight burn to DVD? Nero doesn't seem to like
> the file and is forcing me to do UDF, but still won't let me write it
>when I select that format...

This could happen because the file is too large. There seems to be a
size limit of around 2GB. DVD authoring will take care of the problem,
or if you really wanted a data DVD, you need to split the file. You
can do that with MPEG-VCR (or just make it a video DVD).

If you want a video DVD, you need to use an authoring program. If you
have a recent version of Nero, you can use the "Nerovision Express"
program that comes with Nero.

Mark Lloyd
has a Replay 5xxx

"The idea that there is an invisible being who
created and still runs this old universe is so
childish, so obviously contrived, that it is hard to
believe anyone with even a modicum of education can
still fall for that scam."


Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.replaytv (More info?)

What you need is a DVD authoring package that doesn't re-encode the video,
since Womble has already produced MPEG2 code. I use TMPGEnc's DVD Author.
It will also burn to DVD. Sometimes I use this for burning, sometimes I use
Nero. But Nero will try to re-encode as will most other DVD authoring
packages. Please note that TMPGEnc's DVD Author is *not* the TMPGEnc DVD
encoder software that's been mentioned in this group before.



"T.B." <balfour@NOSPAMgrandecom.net> wrote in message
> "Mark Lloyd" <mlloyd@5xxxmail.com5xxx> wrote in message
> news:ikagb1t9ra2qtsg70d78u4kq0a36fibnup@4ax.com...
>> On Tue, 21 Jun 2005 00:39:24 -0500, "T.B."
>> <balfour@NOSPAMgrandecom.net> wrote:
>> >
>> >"Tony D" <nospam@nospam.com> wrote in message
>> >news:Jf6dnd2S-YhSHzHfRVn-3Q@comcast.com...
>> >>
>> >
>> >> When you saved the file, you should got to "video" and select VCD. You
>> >> don't need TMPGEnc.
>> >
>> >so i now have a DVD burner, and am using MPEG-VCR to edit out the
>> >commercials. When I am done editing and go to save the file, which
> option
>> >should I choose to save it in if I will be burning to DVD?
>> >
>> >TB in Austin
>> >
>> MPEG-2 Program Stream. If you're editing a Replay file, that'll be the
>> default.
>> Note that MPEG-1 would be used for a VCD.
> ok, so I have saved the MPG I am working with in the MPEG-2 Program
> Stream format. Now I am trying to burn it with Nero.
> do I need to author it now with something like DVDit or the like? or
> is ready to straight burn to DVD? Nero doesn't seem to like
> the file and is forcing me to do UDF, but still won't let me write it
> when I select that format...


Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.replaytv (More info?)

On Wed, 22 Jun 2005 06:03:57 -0600, "Danny Hobbs"
<danhobbs_OutofHere_@valornet.com> wrote:

>"T.B." <balfour@NOSPAMgrandecom.net> wrote in message
>> "Mark Lloyd" <mlloyd@5xxxmail.com5xxx> wrote in message
>> news:ikagb1t9ra2qtsg70d78u4kq0a36fibnup@4ax.com...
>>> On Tue, 21 Jun 2005 00:39:24 -0500, "T.B."
>>> <balfour@NOSPAMgrandecom.net> wrote:
>>> >
>>> >"Tony D" <nospam@nospam.com> wrote in message
>>> >news:Jf6dnd2S-YhSHzHfRVn-3Q@comcast.com...
>>> >>
>>> >
>>> >> When you saved the file, you should got to "video" and select VCD. You
>>> >> don't need TMPGEnc.
>>> >
>>> >so i now have a DVD burner, and am using MPEG-VCR to edit out the
>>> >commercials. When I am done editing and go to save the file, which
>> option
>>> >should I choose to save it in if I will be burning to DVD?
>>> >
>>> >TB in Austin
>>> >
>>> MPEG-2 Program Stream. If you're editing a Replay file, that'll be the
>>> default.
>>> Note that MPEG-1 would be used for a VCD.
>> ok, so I have saved the MPG I am working with in the MPEG-2 Program
>> Stream format. Now I am trying to burn it with Nero.
>> do I need to author it now with something like DVDit or the like? or
>> is ready to straight burn to DVD? Nero doesn't seem to like
>> the file and is forcing me to do UDF, but still won't let me write it
>> when I select that format...
>While everyone is in a helpful mood, I am having a problem also.
>When burning a movie that is 2-3 gigs and less than 2 hours,

Sounds like you're using Medium Quality on the Replay. Often the only
noticable difference from Standard will be that Medium takes twice as
much space.

>Roxio estimates
>the movie will take 5 gigs of space and require 2 DVDs. Is this a normal
>occurance or should I use other DVD burning software?

It is. There's a discrepancy because it's being converted to DVD
standard. Note that setting the Replay to use Standard Quality will
allow you to get over 5 hours on a DVD with little or no loss of
quality (less wasteful here).

If you think you still need Medium (which may be a little better on
shows with a lot of action), you should try both a few times. I tried
Medium when I first got a Replay, and just found it wasteful.

>It would be nice if my DVD player would play MPEG2 files. That way I could
>just copy the Movie to the DVD instead of creating a DVD through Roxio.

Yes. Of course, those disks would be less portable. You couldn't take
them to friend's houses.


Note that for awhile I was trying Medium Quality and recording 1-hour
shows (about 45 minutes per show with commercials removed, PBS shows
are around 55 minutes). I could never get more than 3 on a DVD. With
Standard, I get 6 or 7.

Mark Lloyd
has a Replay 5xxx

"The idea that there is an invisible being who
created and still runs this old universe is so
childish, so obviously contrived, that it is hard to
believe anyone with even a modicum of education can
still fall for that scam."


Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.replaytv (More info?)

I own Nero 6 and gave up (a while ago) trying to use Nerovision Express, as
it insisted on re-encoding the video, which I didn't want, didn't need. I
haven't tried it lately. Is there now an option to force it *not* to
reencode the video? I've been using TMPGEnc's DVD Author, which doesn't
reencode the video. In cases where the authored DVD would be too large to
fit, I DVD2One, which compresses the authored content so it will fit on one
DVD. I've only had to do this once or twice.

Also, I always use Medium quality for recordings. I noticed a difference
between that and Standard on my LCD HDTV which is connected to my RTV using
the progressive output. I tried High quality and didn't notice enough
difference, so I went back to medium. Some in this news group have
complained of audio and video getting out of sync when using Standard
quality. I'm assuming, since you seem to regularly use Standard quality,
that this isn't an issue for you? Perhaps I should give it a whirl, since
I've set up a couple theme channels and could use extra space now.



"Mark Lloyd" <mlloyd@5xxxmail.com5xxx> wrote in message
> On Wed, 22 Jun 2005 00:39:53 -0500, "T.B."
> <balfour@NOSPAMgrandecom.net> wrote:
>>"Mark Lloyd" <mlloyd@5xxxmail.com5xxx> wrote in message
>>> On Tue, 21 Jun 2005 00:39:24 -0500, "T.B."
>>> <balfour@NOSPAMgrandecom.net> wrote:
>>> >
>>> >"Tony D" <nospam@nospam.com> wrote in message
>>> >news:Jf6dnd2S-YhSHzHfRVn-3Q@comcast.com...
>>> >>
>>> >
>>> >> When you saved the file, you should got to "video" and select VCD.
>>> >> You
>>> >> don't need TMPGEnc.
>>> >
>>> >so i now have a DVD burner, and am using MPEG-VCR to edit out the
>>> >commercials. When I am done editing and go to save the file, which
>>> >should I choose to save it in if I will be burning to DVD?
>>> >
>>> >TB in Austin
>>> >
>>> MPEG-2 Program Stream. If you're editing a Replay file, that'll be the
>>> default.
>>> Note that MPEG-1 would be used for a VCD.
>> ok, so I have saved the MPG I am working with in the MPEG-2 Program
>>Stream format. Now I am trying to burn it with Nero.
>> do I need to author it now with something like DVDit or the like? or
>>is ready to straight burn to DVD? Nero doesn't seem to like
>> the file and is forcing me to do UDF, but still won't let me write it
>>when I select that format...
> This could happen because the file is too large. There seems to be a
> size limit of around 2GB. DVD authoring will take care of the problem,
> or if you really wanted a data DVD, you need to split the file. You
> can do that with MPEG-VCR (or just make it a video DVD).
> If you want a video DVD, you need to use an authoring program. If you
> have a recent version of Nero, you can use the "Nerovision Express"
> program that comes with Nero.
> --
> Mark Lloyd
> has a Replay 5xxx
> http://notstupid.laughingsquid.com
> "The idea that there is an invisible being who
> created and still runs this old universe is so
> childish, so obviously contrived, that it is hard to
> believe anyone with even a modicum of education can
> still fall for that scam."


Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.replaytv (More info?)

On Wed, 22 Jun 2005 15:09:56 -0400, "Margaret Wilson"
<twokatmew@nospam.msn.com> wrote:

>I own Nero 6 and gave up (a while ago) trying to use Nerovision Express, as
>it insisted on re-encoding the video, which I didn't want, didn't need. I
>haven't tried it lately. Is there now an option to force it *not* to
>reencode the video? I've been using TMPGEnc's DVD Author, which doesn't
>reencode the video. In cases where the authored DVD would be too large to
>fit, I DVD2One, which compresses the authored content so it will fit on one
>DVD. I've only had to do this once or twice.

In Nerovision Express, if you exceed what will fit on a DVD, you get a
chance to have the program make it fit. I haven't used that option (I
don't even use that program, but Ulead which came with a DVD burner I

>Also, I always use Medium quality for recordings. I noticed a difference
>between that and Standard on my LCD HDTV which is connected to my RTV using
>the progressive output.

Neither Medium quality not prgrressive outputs will produce a
significant improvement unless the source is of high quality. Not all
TV providers are that good. I guess yours must be better than most.

I used to think these would provide NO impromenent, but they can some.
The pixel resolution (352*240, 352*480, 704*480, etc) will have little
or no effect, but the amount of compression can make a difference,
particularly with fast movement.

> I tried High quality and didn't notice enough
>difference, so I went back to medium. Some in this news group have
>complained of audio and video getting out of sync when using Standard
>quality. I'm assuming, since you seem to regularly use Standard quality,
>that this isn't an issue for you?

It (the sync problems) happen occaisionally.. I have tried Medium
Quality since people were saying it would prevent sync problems. It
made no difference.

> Perhaps I should give it a whirl, since
>I've set up a couple theme channels and could use extra space now.

I have close to 55 theme channels now.

>"Mark Lloyd" <mlloyd@5xxxmail.com5xxx> wrote in message
>> On Wed, 22 Jun 2005 00:39:53 -0500, "T.B."
>> <balfour@NOSPAMgrandecom.net> wrote:
>>>"Mark Lloyd" <mlloyd@5xxxmail.com5xxx> wrote in message
>>>> On Tue, 21 Jun 2005 00:39:24 -0500, "T.B."
>>>> <balfour@NOSPAMgrandecom.net> wrote:
>>>> >
>>>> >"Tony D" <nospam@nospam.com> wrote in message
>>>> >news:Jf6dnd2S-YhSHzHfRVn-3Q@comcast.com...
>>>> >>
>>>> >
>>>> >> When you saved the file, you should got to "video" and select VCD.
>>>> >> You
>>>> >> don't need TMPGEnc.
>>>> >
>>>> >so i now have a DVD burner, and am using MPEG-VCR to edit out the
>>>> >commercials. When I am done editing and go to save the file, which
>>>> >should I choose to save it in if I will be burning to DVD?
>>>> >
>>>> >TB in Austin
>>>> >
>>>> MPEG-2 Program Stream. If you're editing a Replay file, that'll be the
>>>> default.
>>>> Note that MPEG-1 would be used for a VCD.
>>> ok, so I have saved the MPG I am working with in the MPEG-2 Program
>>>Stream format. Now I am trying to burn it with Nero.
>>> do I need to author it now with something like DVDit or the like? or
>>>is ready to straight burn to DVD? Nero doesn't seem to like
>>> the file and is forcing me to do UDF, but still won't let me write it
>>>when I select that format...
>> This could happen because the file is too large. There seems to be a
>> size limit of around 2GB. DVD authoring will take care of the problem,
>> or if you really wanted a data DVD, you need to split the file. You
>> can do that with MPEG-VCR (or just make it a video DVD).
>> If you want a video DVD, you need to use an authoring program. If you
>> have a recent version of Nero, you can use the "Nerovision Express"
>> program that comes with Nero.
>> --
>> Mark Lloyd
>> has a Replay 5xxx
>> http://notstupid.laughingsquid.com
>> "The idea that there is an invisible being who
>> created and still runs this old universe is so
>> childish, so obviously contrived, that it is hard to
>> believe anyone with even a modicum of education can
>> still fall for that scam."

Mark Lloyd
has a Replay 5xxx

"The idea that there is an invisible being who
created and still runs this old universe is so
childish, so obviously contrived, that it is hard to
believe anyone with even a modicum of education can
still fall for that scam."