News Wood burning stoves vs central heating: Which is better?

Nov 17, 2022
I have to disagree with the idea that a centeral heating system is more cost effective, you may think so until one needs to be repaired...but like you mentioned it depends on your situation and a ton of variables as well. Plus you did briefly mention the biggest drawback to the central system which is, no power=no heat, but there is another factor to consider as well and thats if people are crazy enough to sign up for a smart system to be installed that measures your usage, the power company can willfully lock your thermostat, and you put your comfort at their mercy. I don't know about you but I find the wood stove to me missing one of the most important positives to the wood stove. You also forgot to mention... It's a wood burning stove when the power gets wiped out, you can still cook and boil water as well as heat your living space...while I agree it won't heat every room in a larger home, it'll still keep you from freezing to death if the power is off for an extended period of time. Unfortunately I don't have a wood burning stove at the moment but if someone does one of the best places to find a wood source is to find free pallets if they can't find someone wanting trees taken down. People are always giving free pallets away, plus one great thing with pallet wood is it's already been seasoned most of the time, and though it's pallet wood which is usually pine or cedar the drawback is pine and cedar wood is soft wood and will burn quickly but will burn a lot hotter. I use pine wood to start my fires and toss on hardwood like oak or hedge apple because that burns much longer. I don't rely on either in my home I currently live in, we have a wall mounted propane heater that's vented and it heats nearly the whole house the parts that don't are the bathrooms and I keep space heaters in them to keep the pipes from freezing. The next house I get will most assuredly have a wood burning stove, for one I can control the amount of heat because nobody can lock the thermostat remotely...and without power everybody will be crashing in the living room or near the kitchen, but it'll be nice and toasty still. Other than those few critiques your article was a good read. The assumption that centeral heat is purely based on your particular home and it's size and ability to effectively hear the entire house, I was just pointing out that, it is literally a case by case basis because of the amount of variables that are completely subjectual and would undoubtedly change from person to person.