Worth trying to repair this laptop?


Aug 6, 2012
I spilled soda on my laptop, probably about a tablespoon total, with it landing on the right side of the keyboard, right in the number pad. I wiped it up as best as I could with a paper towel immediately and my computer (which was on) seemed to be acting fine, so I stupidly continued with what I was doing (I've since learned that this was a bad idea!).

About 20 minutes later, I noticed one of my keys on the other side from the spill wasn't working at all. At that point, a windows update popped up (which my computer has had issues with - windows updates always seem to screw with the drivers for whatever reason), which I began to download/install. During that process, the laptop powered off and began to restart. It started booting Windows, then seemed to get stuck and went into a recovery process where it said it was trying to fix the error. Eventually, it seemed to find a solution, and I hit ok for it to attempt a restart. Success! Made it to the desktop.. then it restarted again. Attempted Safe Mode, this worked fine. Tried normal mode again, and it would get to varying points (sometimes the login screen, sometimes before then), but never was able to load completely, and would always restart itself. It seemed stuck in a loop so I unplugged it and took out the battery -- still restarting itself! Eventually I just shut it and laid it upside down, hoping it will dry itself out, if the soda was the issue. I have not opened it since.

Does that sound like a problem that was caused by the spill, or was it just a coincidence that it happened afterwards (grr, windows update)? Should I try to power the computer on after 48 hours or so, or should I just take it to a shop? Or, should I save my money and buy a new computer?
"which my computer has had issues with - windows updates always seem to screw with the drivers for whatever reason"

--> so, you've got at least 2 problems.

I wouldn't worry too much about having to buy a new pc - at this point!

- You will need to clean out the soda spill using either a friend that has opened a laptop before, or a repair shop....hopefully no real damage was done. To complicate matters for the repair folk.....

- you'll need to address the "driver/update" issue. If you have a backup image, then that may speed up this 2nd process (though it may well need repaired also). Alternatively, you'll need to give them the laptop windows install disc.

--> with luck, both issues can be fixed for a cost much less than buying a new laptop. However, if the laptop is at it's point in life where you could do with a replacement (and you are able & willing to) then, of course, you can do that.....you might still make some money by fixing yur current laptop & selling it.
Yes cleaning the keyboard is pretty easy, even most HP's that I have seen are designed to take the keyboard out with minimal trouble. My sig other spilt a Margarita on his laptop. Keyboard stopped working, stuck really bad. We took it out fully submerged it in water, and let dry out side. After a few hours hooked the thing back in and it worked just fine. some soda could have gotten on the ribbion cable, or ribbion cable hook up. The best way to get that clean is to take some rubbing alchol and some qtips and gently clean the hookup, and the cable its self. if your keyboard is toast, normally you can order replacements, I have gotten them from The manufacturer ebay ect.
Thanks everyone. I feel slightly less guilty about the spill.

I'm going to attempt to take the keyboard off and clean what I can get to. However, I have no idea how to do it and was able to find this guide for my specific model: http://www.laptopkeyboard.com/Guides.php/Acer/Aspire/7552G/KBAC10

In the instructions, it mentions taking out the screws on the bottom of the laptop. However, in the video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPaJXTniTw8 if you don't wanna click the link above) it skips this step entirely and I'm not really sure which screws they mean. Anybody have any idea? I looked in the manual but it's extremely basic and doesn't go into that.

Pull that back pannel off, alot of times there are some screws under there that hold the keyboard down. That is just normally, if your new to taking these kinda of things apart I'd suggest that you get a set of soft tools. Plastic prying tools so that you don't damage your laptop case.


There are also screws holding the cover down..
I managed to get the keyboard off. There didn't seem to be any stickiness or residue in there, but I wiped everything down anyways. I also edited out the picture of my laptop, thanks for pointing that out.

When I start the laptop with the battery in, the Acer loading screen appears, the bar fills, and then it immediately turns off. I tried taking out the battery and the computer turns on and stays on, but the screen is black and there is a blue light with a lightbulb flashing in the lower right corner, and the power button has a flashing blue light too. I've let it sit like this for about five minutes now and nothing else is happening. No beeps. The fans are going, nothing else. Any ideas?
I would go into the bios, it should display witch key it is at boot with the Acer logo. I would try to default the BIOS. I would also look for some diagnostics like a hard drive or memory test, run any that are present. Before you leave the BIOS, check to make sure that your hard drive is the default boot device. If you don't have any tests to run, some where in the BIOS there should a list of all your drives, make sure your drives are showing up. Also check to make sure something did not get loose when you opened that back panel.
I ended up taking the computer into the shop. It turns out that there was an issue with the motherboard, which suffered a power issue due to heat. Looks like I'll be buying a new computer, and definitely not a laptop this time (I'd like to avoid frying another computer if I can help it).

Thanks for the advice everyone, I appreciate it very much.