Would a dual core really be a let down?


Jul 8, 2017
I have plenty of knowledge when it comes to computer software and hardware but i dont know enough about dual core processors to know if they would really be a let down from a quad core. Im trying to get a laptop for college that ill be using for light gaming, mostly less resource intensive games like minecraft, light photoshop usage, and mostly taking notes and web browsing. Being a huge gamer, animator, and even a game developer myself, im quite used to i7 quad cores and higher, and ive never used a dual core in my life, EVER.

My question is, if i bought a laptop with an intel 7th gen i7 dual core CPU, 12GB of RAM, and intel onboard HD Graphics 620, would i really have issues preforming the tasks i specified above?

Thanks to all who respond!
You should be fine with a light dual core. However it's not going to be as snappy as a quad core i7 so if you don't mind stuff being a little slower, you'll do fine.


Jul 25, 2017
Well from what I know (I could be wrong so dont quote me on this since I have not played that game) minecraft is a cpu heavy game.

So on games you will feel it but as you should know that is more a gpu problem.
For notes there will be no difference at all
Light photoshop there will be difference but not so mutch that it should cause a problem.
Web browsing it comes more down to the speed of the connection. My old dual core did stuggle with the connetion I have (500mbit up and down)
I could not open several pages and do something else at the same time since then my dual core would stay at 100% just by opening several browser windows.
Boot time until windows is done and ready to be used you can see a difference.

Question is: Are you in a rush? if yes then go quad and a more powerfull system.
Not in a rush? Get the one you listed :)


Jul 8, 2017

Thats what i figured. I did talk to a friend of mine who expressed his belief that a dual core i7 would preform decent considering my activities. Its good to get a second opinion similar to his. Thanks!


May 9, 2016

Download Oracle VM VirtualBox and the extensions set up a virtual machine as close to the laptop specs as possible and check it out for yourself.