Archived from groups: rec.audio.pro (More info?)
Hard to guess. If, like Microsoft, Yamaha would buy a company to stifle
competition and kill a product, then I'd vote bad. But Tascam bought
Gigasampler and has continued it's advancement, Apple bought EMagic and
continued it's advancement (although they killed PC product), and many other
companies have purchased good quality products from companies ripe for the
picking and continued the product line with great effect, so I don't see
anything negative until we have more information, ala Gibson's purchase of
Opcode and the subsequent death of same.
Roger W. Norman
SirMusic Studio
<mwood5nospam@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> http
> Good news?
> Bad?
> Indifferent?
> My vote goes to bad.
> later,
> m
Hard to guess. If, like Microsoft, Yamaha would buy a company to stifle
competition and kill a product, then I'd vote bad. But Tascam bought
Gigasampler and has continued it's advancement, Apple bought EMagic and
continued it's advancement (although they killed PC product), and many other
companies have purchased good quality products from companies ripe for the
picking and continued the product line with great effect, so I don't see
anything negative until we have more information, ala Gibson's purchase of
Opcode and the subsequent death of same.
Roger W. Norman
SirMusic Studio
<mwood5nospam@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> http

> Good news?
> Bad?
> Indifferent?
> My vote goes to bad.
> later,
> m