Yamaha Aquires Steinberg

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I dunno if it's bad, Yamaha is a pretty good company.


On 21 Dec 2004 13:23:26 -0800, mwood5nospam@yahoo.com wrote:

>Good news?
>My vote goes to bad.
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In article <1103664206.031734.28450@c13g2000cwb.googlegroups.com>,
mwood5nospam@yahoo.com says...
> My vote goes to bad.


This seems like VERY good news. Pinnacle was obviously pushing
Steinberg releases out the door, at the significant expensive of quality
- every single point-oh release since Pinnacle has been a buggy
disaster, with basic things like *playing the same audio that's shown*

Yamaha has deep pockets, knows audio, and isn't Digidesign. What more
could we want?

Jay Levitt |
Wellesley, MA | Hi!
Faster: jay at jay dot eff-em | Where are we going?
http://www.jay.fm | Why am I in this handbasket?
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In article <1103664206.031734.28450@c13g2000cwb.googlegroups.com> mwood5nospam@yahoo.com writes:

> Good news?
> Bad?
> Indifferent?

Didn't Pinnacle just acquire them a short time ago? Did Yamaha gobble
up Pinnacle, or did Pinnacle sell Steinberg to Yamaha?

In any case, look for good integration between Nuendo and the DM
series consoles.

I'm really Mike Rivers (mrivers@d-and-d.com)
However, until the spam goes away or Hell freezes over,
lots of IP addresses are blocked from this system. If
you e-mail me and it bounces, use your secret decoder ring
and reach me here: double-m-eleven-double-zero at yahoo
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<mwood5nospam@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> http://news.harmony-central.com/News/2004/Yamaha-Acquires-Steinberg.html
> Good news?
> Bad?
> Indifferent?
> My vote goes to bad.
> later,
> m

Very interesting... as a long time Cubase/SX user, this will be very
significant. Steinberg has made significant strides lately in support,
updates, stability, etc... here's hoping Yamaha continues the process!
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I predict some significant support by Steinberg for mlan...

hmmmmmm yamaha now in control of the VST and ASIO "standards"... That's
gotta make some of the soundcard manufacturer's worried. I further predict
new emphasis on supprt for WDM and DXi.

<mwood5nospam@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> http://news.harmony-central.com/News/2004/Yamaha-Acquires-Steinberg.html
> Good news?
> Bad?
> Indifferent?
> My vote goes to bad.
> later,
> m
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<mwood5nospam@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> http://news.harmony-central.com/News/2004/Yamaha-Acquires-Steinberg.html
> Good news?
> Bad?
> Indifferent?
> My vote goes to bad.

My vote goes to good. The few things that I've bought from Steinberg have
had annoyances, and the technical support has ranged from poor to abysmal,
with one real good thrown in.

F'rinstance, my sweetie does archival choral recordings using a minidisc
deck. She wanted to be able to create a CD that ran without pauses, but
still had track marks. Get It On CD ver. 1.1 did that fine from her raw 2+
hour mono track; just drop in the track markers and away you go. Later
versions require you to break the audio up and put it back together, so in
spite of the niceties in the upgrades, she's still using 1.1.

They also have never seemed to pay much attention to tech support questions
by email or from their web page. Phone support here in Canada has been
okay, but for non-critical things email would work fine.

All in all, I doubt Yamaha will make things worse.

Dave O'Heare
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mwood5nospam@yahoo.com wrote:

> http://news.harmony-central.com/News/2004/Yamaha-Acquires-Steinberg.html
> Good news?
> Bad?
> Indifferent?
> My vote goes to bad.
> later,
> m

I vote good. Yamaha is way ahead of the came as far as digital consoles
go. They are also heavily imbedded in music products in general. What
has Pinnacle ever been involved with that had anything to do with music,
other than buying Steingberg.


I look forward to it!


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> This seems like VERY good news. Pinnacle was obviously pushing
> Steinberg releases out the door, at the significant expensive of quality
> - every single point-oh release since Pinnacle has been a buggy
> disaster, with basic things like *playing the same audio that's shown*
> broken.
> Yamaha has deep pockets, knows audio, and isn't Digidesign. What more
> could we want?

I totally disagree. At first, yea, it seemed pretty grim, but over the last
six months, version 3 of SX came out and was much improved and more stable
then the latest SX 2.x for me anyway... OSX.

Just days ago, they released SX 3.01, with good response to user comments
and bugs.

I don't know if Yamaha will be better or not, but I think you're being a bit
too hard on Pinnacle, at least lately....

Anyway, I hope it's excellent news, but only time will tell.
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<< Jay Levitt jay+news@jay.fm >>
<< This seems like VERY good news. Pinnacle was obviously pushing
Steinberg releases out the door, at the significant expensive of quality
- every single point-oh release since Pinnacle has been a buggy
disaster, with basic things like *playing the same audio that's shown*

Yamaha has deep pockets, knows audio, and isn't Digidesign. What more
could we want? >>

I think you're right Jay. And hey, not only isn't Yamaha Digidesign, they
aren't *Apple* either. <g>

Not that Pinnacle isn't a good company, but I think they sold Steinberg in
part because they realized that Steinberg had a business model that wasn't
going to be happy with Pinnacle's management style (they actually said it was
better for Steinberg to be part of Yamaha.)

Probably will add the Yamaha "MLan" thing, but doesn't Steinberg already
has something like that going on in partnership with Euphonix misers, the EUCON
ethernet protocol? Anyway probably adding MLan isn't going to be too hard and
we might see some interesting Mixer/interface bundles coming out, maybe
Steinberg Yamaha softsynth hardware.

Will Miho
NY Music & TV Audio Guy
Audio Guy / Fox News
"The large print giveth and the small print taketh away..." Tom Waits
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I just still say bad.

Right now, Steinberg as a company is all about open standards...VST,
ASIO, MIDI, etc. Yes, they do their best as accomodating various
things like the Euphonix ethernet, but with someone like Yamaha, it
could really take a turn for the worse.
What if the new "yamaha software" company decided to focus 90% of the
resources in upcoming releases to "improving" things like mlan
compatibility or DXi? In otherwords, you might see Cubase and Nuendo
starting to work really great with Yamaha products and standards and
just so-so with other companies. Also, if Yamaha is sort of in control
of VST and ASIO now since they own Steinberg, do you really think
Roland is going to be real happy about supporting these as their
primary platforms? It might have an opposite effect and make them
decide to work on their own proprietary ideas.
I'm so sick of all of this.....give me one good plugin platform (VST),
one good driver platform (ASIO) and please everyone, work together to
come up with a replacement for MIDI. Then, we can all move ahead. I'm
sick of the "platform wars".
Think about the examples of other large companies purchasing a music
software platform and there's not too many that have turned out well:

Apple buys Logic and drops Win platform.
Gibson buys Opcode and kills off the company.
Adobe buys Cool Edit Pro and we're not sure what's happening...yet.
AVID buys Digi is about the only one that didn't really change their
way of doing business. It still didn't really help or hurt things

Anyway, as a longtime user of SVP and one that switched over to Cubase
when SVP went belly up with Gibby, I'm scared. I've got a lot of time
and money, as well as projects invested in the Cubase/Nuendo platforms
and I'm not too crazy about having to change again if Yamaha screws
them up.

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Fub\nnt. I was just thinking the other day that Yamaha should make a
softsynth controller. I ended up with the M-Audio but Yamaha has great
action and should hit that market.
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I wouldn't count on fantastic Yamaha support. Thier idea of support is
to make the product as bulletproof as possible and then send it out.
Not the worst plan but should you need something it's hard to get any
personal suypport from that corporate monster.
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In article <1103729087.465712.175030@z14g2000cwz.googlegroups.com>,
mwood5nospam@yahoo.com says...
> I just still say bad.
> Anyway, as a longtime user of SVP and one that switched over to Cubase
> when SVP went belly up with Gibby, I'm scared. I've got a lot of time
> and money, as well as projects invested in the Cubase/Nuendo platforms
> and I'm not too crazy about having to change again if Yamaha screws
> them up.

Well, I understand your apprehension. The only thing *I*
can say, is to look at Yamaha's product lines, even venturing
outside the music biz. Yamaha may not do everything great,
but generally speaking, if you choose Yamaha, you won't get a
BAD product. It may not be the best (or it may actually be
the best in its particular niche and price range), but it
certainly won't be the WORST. Even the NS-10 speakers had a
lot of others worse than them, for all that we whine about them.
Point being, I think they manage their business a lot better
than Gibson does. I wouldn't be as worried about this acquisition
as I would be others.
---Michael (of APP)...
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tymish@hotmail.com wrote:
> > I wouldn't count on fantastic Yamaha support. Thier idea of support
> > to make the product as bulletproof as possible and then send it
> > Not the worst plan but should you need something it's hard to get
> > personal suypport from that corporate monster.
> >

Chris Whealy wrote:>
> I'm not so sure that their software products at least could be
> as bullet proof.
> Try the Studio Manager software to remote control a Yamaha 02R desk.
> You are really on your own. When you download the software, Yamaha's

> disclaimer basically says "Don't come crying to us if is totally
> up your PC or the desk".
> Running this software on my W2K laptop causes a Blue Screen of Death
> soon as the USB cable is connected between the two machines...
> And like they said, I'm on my own on this one. No support, nada. If
> want to fix it, I'll have to upgrade my laptop - which I don't have
> to do at the moment.
> Chris W
> --
> The voice of ignorance speaks loud and long,
> but the words of the wise are quiet and few.
> --

Well, there you have it. I haven't had any software prods of theirs but
work with 30+ Yamaha digital consoles at work. No real support but they
are made quite well so little support has been needed so far. Let's
hope they don't gut Steinberg and just keep it a subsidiary with it's
own support team etc.
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mwood5nospam@yahoo.com wrote in

>Good news?
>My vote goes to bad.

Mine doesn't. There are various things about Yamaha that I find
impressive -- for instance, you can download PDF manuals free of charge,
even for instruments they've stopped building decades (!) ago.

Apart from everything elose, little things like these suggest to me that
most of the industry could learn lots, and I mean LOTS, from Yamaha with
respect to customer orientation. Steinberg doesn't seem to be an
exception there.

who purged Cubase SX from his harddisk a long time ago
reply-to works, even if it doesn't look as if it did.
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tymish@hotmail.com wrote:
> I wouldn't count on fantastic Yamaha support. Thier idea of support is
> to make the product as bulletproof as possible and then send it out.
> Not the worst plan but should you need something it's hard to get any
> personal suypport from that corporate monster.

I'm not so sure that their software products at least could be described
as bullet proof.

Try the Studio Manager software to remote control a Yamaha 02R desk.
You are really on your own. When you download the software, Yamaha's
disclaimer basically says "Don't come crying to us if is totally screws
up your PC or the desk".

Running this software on my W2K laptop causes a Blue Screen of Death as
soon as the USB cable is connected between the two machines...

And like they said, I'm on my own on this one. No support, nada. If I
want to fix it, I'll have to upgrade my laptop - which I don't have time
to do at the moment.

Chris W

The voice of ignorance speaks loud and long,
but the words of the wise are quiet and few.
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In article <1103735290.922248.173460@c13g2000cwb.googlegroups.com> tymish@hotmail.com writes:

> I wouldn't count on fantastic Yamaha support. Thier idea of support is
> to make the product as bulletproof as possible and then send it out.

That's the best way. But it means they have to keep up with changes to
what it interfaces with to be sure that when you upgrade a part of
your system, the Yamaha part will still work. You can do that for a
little while, but not forever.

I'm really Mike Rivers (mrivers@d-and-d.com)
However, until the spam goes away or Hell freezes over,
lots of IP addresses are blocked from this system. If
you e-mail me and it bounces, use your secret decoder ring
and reach me here: double-m-eleven-double-zero at yahoo
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>Fub\nnt. I was just thinking the other day that Yamaha should make a
>softsynth controller. I ended up with the M-Audio but Yamaha has great
>action and should hit that market.

Funny, Avid just bought M-Audio too.

Will Miho
NY Music & TV Audio Guy
Audio Guy / Fox News
"The large print giveth and the small print taketh away..." Tom Waits